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"Just here" Nancy pointed to a dimly lit house hidden away at the edge of the forest. It was extremely dark, and gave off a vibe that Barbara knew for sure that she didn't like. It was like a looming shadow, large but easy to miss. The most dangerous kind.

The car rattled as its owner pulled onto the side of the road, letting the engine die down once more. It's passenger started gathering her things, frantic to get out and start having fun.
The other, however, was not so thrilled to have arrived.

Fumbling around for her jacket, Barbara paused with a slight choke of a breath. Her jacket was nowhere to be found. Turning slowly to her friend outside of the car door, Barb gulped. "Nance, I'm gonna have to go back for my jacket."

"Surely you won't need it, will you?"

"You told me the party was outside, of course I'll need it."

"Well, why don't you just wear mine?"

Barbara blinked, looking down to the clothing item bundled under her friend's arm. "Nancy, do you really think I'm going to fit in that? It's tiny."

Wheeler sighed. "You'll come straight back, right?"

Holland nodded, resting back in her seat slightly. "Yeah. I'll meet you inside."

The girl before her nodded and turned to go inside, leaving her friend to back out onto the road. Alone once again, Barbara could breathe.
The driver wasn't cryophobic, wasn't scared of the cold, but was scared of becoming another form of ill. A fever was the last thing she needed right at that moment.

As she drove down the road, the tense feeling returned. The air became stale, atmosphere spooked. A faint whistle blew through the air, travelling from ear to ear, door to door.
Looking back into the rearview mirror, Barbara had no other reaction than to swerve the car.

Sat in the back seat, no further than half a meter away, was the girl who she had wondered to have stayed. Sydney.
Steadying the car back onto the pavement, Barb's breathing became heavy.
The car was freezing, extremely cold. Syd sat there, gazing into the mirror. She didn't move, or speak, just watched.

Holland's nose started to drip with deep, crimson blood. She soon realised that Sydney was only able to be viewed in the sight of the mirror, so was calmed slightly when the back seat was realistically empty.

The girl clamped her jaw, sitting stiffly on the leather. "Will."

The older girl blinked, confusion evident. "What?" She wondered if she had heard it right.


So she had. "Will?..Will Byers? What about Will?"

Sydney's breath grew hoarse, fading away slightly. The rasp made it hard to understand, but her message carried through.
"You... you have been speaking to him. He has been speaking to you."

"No," Barb panicked, trying to calm her over-thinking mind. "We were speaking about him, not to him."

"He sends me." The young orphan continued, ignoring Holland's explanation. "He speaks through me."

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