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Bell rang and students dispersed, minds focused on nothing but the next lesson. Barbara walked slowly, eyes burning into the group in-front. Nancy walked smugly alongside Steve, joined by his two cronies; Tommy Hagan and Carol Perkins. It was almost like her old friend didn't exist; the way Nancy was ignoring her. It seemed obvious that the only time they would speak now was when instructed to by teachers or situation. It was all Steve. Steve Steve Steve.
It became apparent that the golden rule of 'no boys' had been broken long ago, but only by half of the beholders.

Locker slams and running footsteps seemed heightened, shocking her ears with noise. Something was wrong with her, and she knew it. Maybe not physically, but mentally. The constant agitation and expectancy that something was going to happen, something out of the blue, something tragic. She just didn't know what yet.

The girl in-front held back slightly, stepping back into line with her friend. Perhaps she hadn't forgotten. Barbara smiled slightly, too tired to make it reach her fighting eyes. Lids feeling heavy, she squinted slightly.
Nancy looked at Holland, a frown forming. She seemed to be doing that more recently, frowning- particularly at Barbara.
The girl wished that she'd stop.

"Barb, are you okay?" Nancy pulled her aside, nodding for the group in-front to carry on walking. Illness seemed apparent in her appearance, and Nancy was worried. Whether it be coming on soon, or already in motion, it was better safe than sorry.

"Yeah," came a reply, groaning slightly. "Just tired. Was studying until pretty late."

"Right... studying."

Barb nodded.

"You do know that I don't believe you in the slightest?"

The outage of the situation felt threatening, and the students speeding past them became blurred and unfocused. The need to defend herself was high, for reasons completely unknown. It wasn't a bad thing to be a bit tired after all, but maybe a 'bit' tired was an understatement.
"I'm fine. Seriously. Just go and hang out with Steve and the rest. I'll catch up."

The sudden outburst sounded harsh to her friend's ears, and with a gentle frown, Nancy took her leave.
Barbara took a deep breath as her closest person marched away, shoes squeaking on the polished floor.
A strand of ginger hair slid out of place, but was soon corrected, as she quite honestly didn't know if she could manage any more out-of-place things.

Plucking up the courage to continue walking, distance was made through the corridor. Students still whirred past like a hallucination, and Barbara found herself to be quite dizzy. Thinking nothing of the matter, body met classroom and she was focussed once more on her grades rather than her struggles.


Lunch soon came around, and another meal of the day had been refused. It wouldn't have been so bad if her body had breakfast stored from earlier in the day to keep her going, but it didn't. Barbara's stomach growled as she sat with the group, fiddling with a piece of cotton on her sweater. She just couldn't bring herself to eat, let alone stand in the line waiting for it.

Raising her field of view, the young Holland zoned into conversation. Not speaking, just listening. She couldn't figure out if it was comforting, hearing them talk like everything was normal, or whether she just wanted them to shut up. Conversation could be calming one moment, voices travelling softly ear to ear- the next, nails on a chalkboard.
Loud thumps sounded on the table, rattling cutlery and sending minuscule chunks of food flying off of them. A spec landed on Barbara's jeans, and she did nothing but stare at it, glossy eyed. She didn't have the energy to care.

"So," Steve grinned, stabbing his fork into the plate full of grotesque cafeteria food. Barbara honestly didn't know how they ate such vile substances. "What're you up to tonight, Wheeler?" He smirked at her, and Barb didn't even need to look over to sense that her best friend was blushing.

"Oh, just, you know... studying- like usual."

Barbara wished that she was studying right now- brain lost in a puzzle of information, her only job being to figure out what it all meant. And even though her house was merely a few miles away from the high school, it was better being close-by than actually being there.
The girl longed for nothing more than just a few hours of sleep and a good amount of time at home. To hide away, not exist for a day or two.

Sadly, that wasn't exactly possible.

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