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Two heavy footsteps pounded into the room, making Barbara sit bolt-upright in her position.

"Ah," Brenner smirked, "glad to see that you're awake."

Barbara scowled slightly at him and his assistant. Their fake pleasure to see her made her feel sick. It wasn't any form of happiness at all, actually- more satisfaction.

The woman beside him stepped forward, outlining the room until she stopped directly behind Barbara. Brenner grinned.
"So, Miss Holland," he too, took another step forward. "It seems that we haven't introduced ourselves yet- how unprofessional of us."

The young girl gritted her teeth. "None of this is professional, Brenner."

The man cocked his eyebrow. "So, you are aware of who I am then?"

Barb blinked as he leaned down to her level of sitting. "Well, since my introduction won't be necessary, my assistant behind you is Connie Frazier. No further details will be needed."

Turning weakly, Barb locked eyes with the blonde haired woman behind her. She stood still, expressing her features smugly. They were both enjoying every second of it, Barbara knew.

"How'd you know who I was?" She caved in and asked, eyebrows screwed. "And what did you do to me?"

Martin chuckled evilly, fire now burning wild behind his eyes. "Oh, your little friend has told me all about you. And how strange you don't remember the journey, because we sure do."

Barbara tried to stand, to rebel, but the newly found manacles around her wrists ceased her from doing so. "Why am I locked up? Why am I here? My friends will come soon enough, you'll see. I won't be here for long. And I do not believe for a minute that she would've told you anything."

The man stood straight once again. "Ah, yes, well it did take a bit of... let's say, prompting, but she let us know soon enough. You didn't tell anyone about her though- why?"

Barb blinked, trying to contain the rage that followed the high feeling of dread. "Didn't feel the need to. I know what you've done to her, done to many."

"Or perhaps because no one would believe you? No one reads the older papers, Barbara, you are already aware of that."

The truth was out of the box. That was the real reason she kept Sydney a secret. Another reason was that she didn't want her to end up back there. Back in the cage, the only home she knew.

"You know where Will is, don't you."
Words stung, almost admitting their fighting defeat.

"Yes, Barbara, we do. And so does 002, and many others like her. It isn't a secret in here like it is out there. But the question is, why did she feel the need to tell you? Why did she want to help you? What did you do to her that she treasures so dearly?"

"I treated her like a human." The sentence was short, explanation unnecessary. Brenner knew exactly what the effect of that was, and knew it was something he hadn't done in a long, long time.

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