019. you should stay over

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stevie and tommy were in their natural habitat—sitting in his living room watching friends—they'd sworn to try and finish the series in its entirety before stevie left to go back to america, but it was proving difficult

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stevie and tommy were in their natural habitat—sitting in his living room watching friends—they'd sworn to try and finish the series in its entirety before stevie left to go back to america, but it was proving difficult.

tommy had spent the morning streaming and then filming a video for wilbur, then editing which took all of his attention. stevie didn't mind of course, it was nice to see him in such a concentrated state and putting everything into his job, she just feared they were running out of time to spend together.

but finally they found some time to hang out, designated tommy and stevie time. she laid peacefully in his lap, both of them wrapped in blankets and surrounded by pillows. her abruptly phone buzzed from over on the couch next to tommy, but they decided to ignore it. until it buzzed again, and again.

"can you check if that's like, my mum or something?" she asked, finally lifting her head.

tommy nodded, picking up the phone and seeing multiple snapchat notifications from none other than danny percy.

"who is it?"

"your friend, uh—danny" his voice was filled with disappointment, as he cringed at the name.

"oh" her demeanour dropped immediately. "this isn't—um—him texting me—it's not a regular thing"

"i—its fine" he handed her the phone.

the room was filled with an awkward silence as steph opened the snaps, scoffing at the mere length of the paragraph he had sent her. 

👤 | danny perC

hey steph, i know we haven't talked much since you left for the uk but i'm missing you so much. i don't know who your new friend or whatever is but i'd be lying if i said i wasn't jealous of him right now and i hate that
just know if i saw him in the street i'd jump his ass for you.
i don't like missing out on the parties and trips i've seen you post on your story so i just think you should know i'm here and willing if you wanna get back together because i really want you back and i'm sorry for how i treated you. i love you steph and i miss you loads
also you looked absolutely banging in your ig post
just let me know if the long distance is getting to you and you ever wanna exchange ;)

"what the fuck is this" she chuckled under her breath, showing the boy beside her.

tommy skimmed the paragraph, muttering the words under his breath, visibly uncomfortable and cringing. "get back together.."

"sorry—i—it's kinda weird, for you to read—i um—i don't feel the same—if it wasn't already obvious" she turned off her phone.

"you don't need to explain—"

"—no, i do, it's in the past now anyway," she took a breath and sat up beside him, "we dated for a few months last year—he was my first boyfriend—but uh he was just a lot—and pretty much all the girls on my team hated him, but for the most part he was like—sweet y'know? but he came to my place for christmas and i was sorta sad and just not feeling it because christmas was always our time—a—and i'd miss you a lot around then—but um—he thought trying to push me to have s—sex would 'cheer me up' and kept trying to convince me to the point where i was just broke and screamed at him to leave, so he did"

tommy grabbed her hand, squeezing it comfortingly.

"and um yeah then i broke up with him a few weeks later cause he just started treating me different, like wouldn't hold my hand or put his arm around me—just stupid stuff because he was mad i wouldn't put out—but after christmas my heart wasn't in it anyway. it sucked because when i wanted to breakup that just made him try harder and he kept—keeps shooting his shot. i told him we could be friends but he fucking makes things weird and like even in that he can't have a normal conversation without making it sexual" she shook her head, trying not to let her frustration boil over.

"he sounds like shit—i'm sorry i wasn't there to tell him to fuck off every time he wronged you" he let go of her hand, only to put his arm around her and pull her closer—grabbing her hand once again.

"same" she let out a soft chuckle. "i just don't want you to think there's any chance of that happening again"

"thanks that's—good to hear" he nodded to himself. "y'know you should tell him if i saw him in the street i'd punt him into the pavement"

"i'd like to see you try" she teased.

"oh you're asking for it" he swung her around, putting her in a light chokehold and snickering to himself.

"okay fuck you" her hands clutched his wrists, trying to pull his hands off of her, before eventually just giving up, deciding she didn't mind the position they were in.

"you're so mean" he fake pouted, leaning his head on hers.

"i know, it's my most endearing trait" she stated with a duh tone.

"mmm okay yep definitely" he mumbled into her neck. "you should stay over"

"yeah, okay i'll text my mum" she complied instantly.

"yay" he rejoiced softly, leaning forward and planting a quick kiss on her lips. "i'll make us dinner."

he stood up with purpose, causing her to frown at the lack of contact. but still smiling in complete awe of the boy, now just happy to be in his presence.

i'm so so sad cause this books
coming to an end very soon :(
the last chapter will come out
on NYE and then i'll post the
epilogue sometime in the first
week of 2022!!

you and me at christmas! tommyinnitWhere stories live. Discover now