008. why are you rational

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imsgeryn 🤍 — fake american 🤮

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eryn 🤍 — fake american 🤮

okay now cut the bullshit

my high school volleyball drama
is not bullshit??

i don't care about nai's breakup with
mira right now

i care about whatever
the fuck went down with you and tom

no comment

dude fucking tell me

we lost contact and he's pissed abt it
so he started some little bitch fight when
he was at my place for dinner

oh i see

well you know how he is stevie

we were best friends and then you
basically disappeared

it hurt, especially HIS sensitive ass

im sorry i just disappeared like that

i really am

doesn't give him the right to call me
a fake slut


it's wtv

it's not wtv dumbass

it's not that deep though, my friends
call me a slut all the time

in california it's practically a term of

yeah but like stacy from the volleyball
team calling you a slut has no weight
behind it

you're hurt because you know tom
meant something by it and im sorry

1. there's no stacy

2. why are you rational

idk what you've been doing w/o
me for seven years

i dunno but i'm sad eryn

it'll get better steve

not if you keep calling me steve

you and me at christmas! tommyinnitWhere stories live. Discover now