009. ketamine

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"it smells so good" stevie breathed the nostalgic smell of her grandfathers cooking

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"it smells so good" stevie breathed the nostalgic smell of her grandfathers cooking. making dinner with her grandparents had honestly been her favourite part of being back.

"i know! tell your grandmother that please, she never lets me experiment with spices—purely cause she read somewhere that cayenne pepper attracts lice—and you know how she is with lice"

"don't remind me!—remember when she sent me to the simons for a whole week after freddie gave me lice" she giggled over the memory.

vince let out a breathy laugh, "how is tom, did you make up from your little fight the other night"

steph almost choked on air, "what fight? there was never any fight"

"mmhm, and i put ketamine in this sauce" he raised an eyebrow, evoking a soft giggle from stevie.

"well, now we're gonna get lice and get high" she quipped.

"touché" he shook his head in attempt to keep the smile off his face.

they laughed some more, continuing to cook the meat for the dish. "if i did have a fight with tommy, how would i go about talking to him, even if he theoretically started it"

"well theoretically, all depends steph, you know teenage boys—sometimes their egos get a little bruised—acknowledging you've upset or embarrassed them can go a long way"

"thanks" stevie nodded, she would take any help she could get. "i might try talking to him, but i dunno"

"whatever he said just know he didn't mean it—we all say mean things when we're hurting, one of you just had to stop being so stubborn and apologise, it'll make a big difference"

"how did you know he said somethi—"

"—i just know, he reminds me of a young me, and i know my feelings were all over the place—i can't imagine how he feels, especially with all the pressure of his career and that" he poked around in the frying pan, seemingly unbothered giving out the monumental advice.

"thanks vincey" she teased, using his first name as she pulled him into a tight hug. "i missed you"

"love you steph," he winked, before shifting his attention back to the stove, as the cogs in stevie's brain began to turn, "glad i could answer your theoretical"

stevie had offered to clean the dishes after dinner, so she stood at the kitchen sink doing just that, when her mind wandered back to the simons boy. she thought of the days when they'd help her grandparents cook, or even attempt to help clean up after dinners and parties.

she missed him so much it made her insides hurt, but she knew deep down she had hurt him too. she finally stopped denying the hurt and pain she'd caused, and that felt good. 

the big move evoked a sense of independence in stevie. for once she wasn't doing everything with tommy, and even at 11 that fact was refreshing. the problem was once stevie began to pull away tommy began to cling—fearing he was losing hera—cyclically making stevie pull even further away.

eventually she ghosted him, although she'd never admit to that choice of words, it sounded a little too harsh. 'we fell out of contact' is what she'd repeat over and over to her family members, trying harder to convince herself more than anyone else.

none of this gave him the right to call her a slut, or take his years of heartache out on her, but after some thought, she understood why he had done so. she decided once and for all, she was gonna bite the bullet and apologise. for once in her life she shoved her anxieties and reservations into the corner of her mind so they couldn't rear their ugly heads and fuck things up further.

stevie felt confident—she was gonna fix things with tommy, even if it was the last thing she ever did.

nai — stevie

👤 | token lesbian

my pop convinced me to talk to tommy

ew??? don't

he put it well, i think it'll help me feel better about it all

boys fuck everything up
you shouldn't have to fix things

i know
but it was my fault for sorta disappearing like that
but being back here just makes me miss him more than usual and you know how i get around christmas

ily but i hate sad christmas steph
this is just screaming this time last year when you broke up with danny and all you did for two months was binge his videos and cry all the time
i cant tell whether this is a good thing or a bad thing

but it's good i think
i'm gonna put in the effort and everything
and fix shit
also it was not two months stfu

sure sure
i'm proud of you for being the mature one though
if he hurts you come home straight away or else

will do
i miss you tons
whatever you do just don't get back with mira in your moment of weakness

i cant make any promises

nailea mulaney.
i will whoop your ass when i get home
don't go back to her
she's the most toxic girl i've ever met

i'm trying i really am
but she's pulling her usual guilt trip shit

that's it im literally committing murder
block her ass ?!!??

don't say anything
she already hates that we're friends she'll be more pissed if you try to intervene in any way

nai idc what she thinks
if she tries to manipulate you any further i will intervene
you can count on that

i love you
i'll be careful

ily bub but i have to get back to the fam

all good bby
miss you so so much talk soon xoxoxoxo

love you nai

vince aka suppodtive king <33
+ hope y'all enjoy a little bit of
external tea with the nai sideplot!!
i love their friendship so much

also this chapter is dedicated to
celeste since shes decided that
she's my favourite and waited v
patiently for a new chapter <3

you and me at christmas! tommyinnitWhere stories live. Discover now