Chapter 32 : Butterflies

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In the car I debated on telling him what I learned. The atmosphere between us was so nice, I didn't want to ruin it with depressing topics.

" So what do you think? Should we ruin the good mood now or later " Naruto said pulling off.

" How do you keep reading my mind?" I said with a snicker.

Well I guess there was no escaping this.

Naruto saw my face sadden a bit and frowned.

" How about we get the sad stuff out first and then enjoy the rest of the night " he suggested.

Great idea. It was better to just get it over with.

" Okay.."

We pulled up to a red light and Naruto turned to me. " Go on. Tell me about the trip."

I swallowed hard as his blue eyes studied me.

" So you know we found out about where Sakura's parent's places was from Ino. We just happen to run into her. Tenten and I were talking about Sakura and Ino recognized her name" I said after hesitation.

" Oh so you didn't know her before this" Naruto said, as he began driving again " That's insane, what perfect timing."

He glanced at me mischievously " Did she give you the whole story about her car?"

I laughed out loud, " So that's a story she tells a lot huh."

" Oh every time she gets, but don't get me wrong it's a great story. Starting from the bottom and working your way's inspirational" he said.

I could tell by the look in his eyes how her story touched him. In a way he was like her struggling in the beginning and though he wasn't exactly on top of the world he was some what stable now.

" Ino ended up driving us there and Sakura wasn't exactly receptive at first but we eventually got her to talk.."

" And?" Naruto said after my long pause.

" She was apologetic. She feels like you hate her now and your friendships been destroyed" I said looking at Naruto.

His jaw was tight and even though his eyes were on the road I felt a sense of sadness coming from him.

" She said she didn't want to hurt you. She thought that going out with you was better than rejecting you at the time and that maybe she would eventually reciprocate your feelings but it didn't work out like that ."

" So it was as I thought, she was just going with the flow. Everything was one sided" Naruto said quietly.

He was hurting. I wished I could offer him a form of comfort, but I didn't know what to say, I could only relay the words of Sakura.

In fact things were only about to get worst.

" She said it was unfair to you and she just ended up hurting you even more. And for that she was sorry" i said.

I took a deep breath.

" But there's more....." This was the part I was really dreading.

Naruto sighed " What else..let me guess"

" Sasuke" we said at the same time.

" Here we go...." Naruto growled.

I put my hand on his arm and I felt it relax under my touch.

" She's fallen hard for him. The way she speaks about him is completely different from the way you described him."

Naruto's grip on the steering wheel tightened.

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