Chapter 16: Ache

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"Hello ma'am I will be escorting you to your room."

" My what a handsome young man you are. How lucky am I?"

" Thank you" I said with an awkward chuckle.

It was early. Too early for anyone to be awake in my opinion, but the bills needed to be paid and i was on a mission.

Shikamaru's words left quite the impression on me. I had to fix things with Sakura. I had yet to see her today, probably busy with patients as usual. It was funny, while I was still hanging out with Hinata, it was a lot easier to be here at this hospital. Working, with out even glancing in Sakura's direction, being stubbornly angry at her for not expressing her feelings properly. It was almost as if Hinata was that extra boost of defiance.

Now, that she wasn't there anymore what would happen?

I was back to my old self, which I surprisingly couldn't decide was good or bad. If I was being honest, being with Hinata almost in a way made me loose sight of what I was chasing after in the first place. Sakura was the one I wanted, yet I found myself pushing her to the side out of anger and resolving nothing, hoping she would make the first mood for a change.

Hinata and I stuck together like glue and comforted each other while we both played this waiting game. A game that worked for her, but as for me...

Sakura came out of a room with her clip board and lab coat completely engrossed in her work. I stared at her completely ignoring the lady I was pushing around, who was talking to me about something.

I was still waiting. Maybe this was fate. Maybe that night with Hinata was destined to separate us. Who ever the hell it was watching us from the sky above probably helped us find comfort in each other, but also pushed us to fight for our love.

If I wanted Sakura I needed to fight for her and stop messing around.

Yeah that had to be it.

The only thing left to figure out was how to deal with the pain of no longer having that comfort in my life. After all as much as I wanted to forget and move on I couldn't risk seeing Hinata anytime soon.

Even if I did miss her. Even though it hurt. God why did it hurt?

" Young man isn't this my room?"

I quickly stopped the wheel chair and rolled it back realizing that I had completely miss the lady's room.

" Sorry ma'am your right" I said smiling.

The older woman looked up at me with worry in her stare." Young man. I'm not sure if this will help, but whatever your thinking about I'm sure everything will work out."

My smile was genuine. " Thank you ma'am. You have no idea how badly I want to believe that."

After helping the lady into her bed, I took off in the direction I last saw Sakura, before I got anymore calls on my walkie-talkie. I felt my nerves eating away at me a bit, but I knew if I didn't do anything today I wouldn't have the strength to do it tomorrow.

My thoughts went to Hinata. If she had the courage to sit down and talk to her guy after all she went through with him why couldn't i?

She was probably together with him right now all happy and cute. I wanted that.

I mean with Sakura of course.

I shook my head clear and continued my search. I was so grateful for her pink hair, it stood out so much I was able to find her in no time. She was getting something from a vending machine down the hall. It was perfect.

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