Chapter 23: Twisted

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I was now in the coffee shop icing my knee. I was also sitting across from the king of lowlifes and his plaything. They looked so stupid and uncomfortable, fumbling with their drinks like a couple of school kids caught doing something bad. I glared at both of them but I made sure to drill Kiba the most with my eyes.

" Well are you gonna fucking explain this or should I call Hinata to come join us?!" I said.

Kiba instantly tensed. " No! don't please."

" Then TALK!"

" Fine. Things with Hinata and I have been very tense lately" Kiba said clumsily.

" She's been super possessive!" The girl with the chestnut hair said.

" She's suffocating him, he can't hang out with who ever he wants, she's always at his apartment and she's been very rude and nasty to him!"

" Did I say you could speak BITCH!" I snapped at her.

She quickly closed her mouth and avoided eye contact with me all together.


" Everything she said is true. I've been trying to work things out with Hinata, but she keeps doing this thing where she ignores me and it's been so frustrating," Kiba gripped the sides of his head.

" So lets pretend I believe what your saying. Your solution is to CHEAT on her?"

" I didn't mean for this all to happen. I was sad and Tamaki was there for me and one thing led to another."

I pinched the bridge of my nose and let out a sigh. " Wow your a grade A asshole."

" He felt alone. I've always been there for Kiba and we have a history so it's natural this would happen" Tamaki said.

" He's not the bad guy in this. Hinata pushed him to me an-"

I stood up and walked towards her. " Tamaki was it? Listen to me, do you know how hard it is for me to not take your head and slam it into this fucking table?"

Tamaki's and Kiba's eyes both went wide.

" I thought I told you to keep your mouth shut. I'm not as nice as Hinata, keep pushing me and I will send you to the hospital so fast your head will spin and THEN I'll make sure once you're there your treated like shit because I have the power to do so. GOT IT!?"

Tamaki nodded her head.

" Now on to you Kiba. You've got 10 seconds to explain why I shouldn't tell Hinata this, because honestly all you've done is show me that your a complete waste of air and that Hinata deserves SOO much better."

I sat back down in my seat.

Kiba let out a breath of air.

" Hinata means a lot to me-"

" Ehhh! Try again" I said.

He sucked his teeth in annoyance.

" Look I've known Hinata a long time. We've been attached at the hip practically since middle school. She already has so many issues because of her dick head of a dad who abandoned her. If she finds out I did will destroy her."

Now I felt even worse about this. Hinata was always so kind and cheerful. I never would have guessed such a tragedy like this happened to her.

" God Kiba you know this yet...what the fuck?"

Even that talkative bitch Tamaki looked at him in shocked.

" Please..Sakura I will handle this."

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