Chapter 2: Stranger

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" So you're friends with benefits?" My blond companion said raising a brow.

I was three drinks in and gone. Every thing that left my mouth was pure word vomit at this point and probably real vomit in a bit.

" I was sad and drunk and one thing led to another and now we have this sort of relationship. I have no complaints about the sex part's wonderful, " I swirled around the remaining liquid in my glass, obsessed with how the light hit it's amber surface.

I abruptly turned to the mystery man smiling like a mad woman. " Don't worry I won't do that to you. I don't sleep with all my friends."

Why the fuck did I just say that?

" Aw what a shame, after all those drinks I thought I had a chance" he said taking a sip of his own drink, " kidding."

My eyes widened at his response. I found this really funny for some reason.

I laughed covering my mouth so I didn't spray my drink all over him.

He looked at me with gentle eyes. " There you go, smile. That's all we can do during the tough times."

" Though I can't tell if I'm a comedian or you're completely shit faced right now " he said with a laugh.

I loved the way he looked at me. It was like I was expensive china. Fragile yet beautiful, like he wanted to protect me from all that could damage me.

Or it was all in my head and I had to chill out with the drinks.

" You're in a tough spot. Look personally I think you should run for the hills. This guys not looking too great" he said taking a sip of his drink.

" But hey if your really insistent on being with him maybe what you need is to be a bit braver. You have to talk to him and set things straight."

" But how? How do I become brave? How do I let go" I said lifting my glass to finish off my drink. He grabbed my wrist preventing me from doing so.

It surprised me, but I found myself enjoying his touch.

" Well, lets start by stopping this. You can't drink away the problem. It's a temporary high but tomorrow your gonna feel like shit."

I nodded my head. He was right.

" You need to push yourself. Now I'm not saying go all out and become a different person over night, but you need to take baby steps at least."

He pointed to my phone that was laying on the counter.  " Let start with that guy giving you so much heart ache."

I looked at him like he grew a third head.

" Text him, ask him how the game was" he said.

Now I was even more confused. We'd just spent over an hour talking about me constantly being taken advantage of and now this guy wanted me to text the man who hurt me like nothing happened.

Either I was really drunk or he was.

He must have read the worry in my eyes, because he smiled and placed a hand on my shoulder. " Again I know I'm a stranger, so this sounds a bit weird, but your gonna have to trust me."

After glancing at my companion one last time, I picked up my phone and sent the message.

My phone buzzed about a minute or two later.

It was great. I'm sorry I couldn't take you out tonight, but I hope you had a good evening despite everything. Did you get some rest?

My heart stung as I showed the message to the mystery man.

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