Chapter 17: Uncertainty

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I awoke to the sound of chatter. The clothes I wore were certainly not the ones from last night and in my half conscious state I could tell this room wasn't mine either. I rose out of the bed with a stretch as last nights events slowly flooded my mine.

That was right this was Kiba's room. And looking at myself in the door mirror on the closet I was able to figure out this was Kiba's shirt I was wearing as well.

The noise from outside the room was much clearer now that I was awake and I tiptoed to the door to eavesdrop.

" How many times do I have to tell you if your having guest over you have to let me know."

That was Shino's voice. I hadn't spoken to him since I ran out of Kiba's apartment the last time.

" How'd you know?" Kiba said.

" Their shoes are at the front door Kiba," Shino replied.

I wondered if I should come out and say it was me who spent the night, but a part of me kinda of enjoyed there bantering. It was nostalgic.

" Okay Okay I get it sorry, but I didn't think you'd mind much since you know them" I heard Kiba say.

" Who? Is it Tamaki again?"

My stomach dropped.

Who the hell was Tamaki?

" Nah it's Hinata. She spent the night I surprised you didn't notice sooner, but then again you were past out when we got home last night."

" Ew did you know" Shino said.

I never wanted to leave this room.

" Dude no! She was pretty tired yesterday after our date and didn't want to go home for some reason so I let her spend the night. We talked it was great."

" I missed her you know" Kiba said.

I decided to make my entrance. I slowly opened the door, both men looked in my direction as I entered the living room.

" Good morning" I said meekly.

Kiba's eyes softened when he looked at me, but I couldn't keep eye contact.

Who was this Tamaki? And why did she often visit Kiba's apartment?

Kiba approached me, " Good morning" he said sweetly. I forced myself to look at him and my anxiety was eased a bit by the affection in his eyes. So I stood on my toes and gave him a peck on the lips.

Shino nearly dropped his coffee seeing this.

" What is this!?" Shino said waving a finger between us.

Kiba squeezed me against him pressing his cheek against mine. I giggled at his silliness. " Well we were gonna wait before we told anyone, but since your here."

" Can I tell him?" he said against my cheek.

I nodded my head in approval.

" Hinata and I are going out now " Kiba said smiling.

Shino actually dropped his coffee this time.

" Shino what the hell man!?" Kiba said running over to clean the mess up. " Hurry and help me before Akamaru wakes up and tries to lick this off the floor! He'll get the shits for sure if we don't!"

Shino didn't move. He just stared at me specifically for who knows how long.

I began to feel uncomfortable. Something about his stare seemed to be more than just shock.

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