Chapter 20: Sick

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The depth of the bags I had under my eyes should have been illegal. I had to drag myself out of bed this morning which wasn't like me. I was a morning person, but after yesterday sleep didn't exactly come easy. I couldn't stop thinking about my relationship with Naruto, but mostly I couldn't stop thinking about Sasuke.

I wonder if I was the person he couldn't stop thinking about? Because I certainly couldn't stop thinking about him.

I splashed some warm water on to my face and dapped my under eyes with a towel. Hopefully this would help the bags.

Thank god I didn't work today.

I then went to the kitchen to brew myself some tea. The red button on my home phone was flashing.

There was a message from Naruto.

Shit I completely forgot to call him and try to fix things. I must have been completely out of my mind yesterday.

" Hey just checking in, you weren't picking up your cell so I called this number. I hope your not still mad at me. Call me when you get a chance" he said in the message.

I pinched the bridge of my nose angered by my stupidity. What was I going to do? I couldn't see him in this mind set.

My brain was filled with Sasuke, he was under my skin. To think I hated this guy to begin with and now he was all I ever thought about.

Some guy treats me nice and understands me and then I throw a whole relationship away? Was I losing it? And what would Naruto think if he found out?

Don't act on your attraction and remember your bond and you should be fine Hinata said. I was trying, but this was so strong.

I wondered if it was even just attraction anymore?

I could barely swallow my tea. This was eating away at me. I had to do something.

Then it hit me.

I slammed my mug down and ran into my room to get dressed.

I knew what needed to be done.

I had to end it. This weird relationship with Sasuke couldn't continue anymore. All that I worked for with Naruto was at stake.

I paused for a moment, my shoe lace dangling in my grasp.

This hurt. I felt pain in my chest.

What the hell?

I wiped my face and found tears. This was wrong I wasn't suppose to feel anything.. so why was i crying?

Maybe this was what they meant when they said don't bottle things up? It all eventually comes leaking out doesn't it?

I used this pain as fuel and forced my self out the door.

I had to do this.

Remember how important Naruto is to you.

Yet, sitting in my car staring up at the Crimson corp sign made my stomach curl.

Come on legs move. MOVE!

I must have looked crazy barging into to that building. Just about everyone in that lobby looked at me with wide eyes. I'd save my embarrassment for later. I stomped pass Karin who had her mouth open getting ready to say something snarky and entered the elevator.

Inside I hit the button for the top floor and tapped my foot violently. I needed to do this quickly, the faster I do this, the faster I could sleep again, the faster I could eat again, the faster I could fix Naruto and I.

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