Chapter 4: Listener

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Today had started off pretty rocky. Of course I got a text book of apologies and excuses from Kiba through text.

And of course my stupid little heart forgave him.

It was always like that with him, almost like a get out of jail free card.

And it wasn't just because I had feelings for him.

Kiba was there for me when no one else was, he accepted me flaws and all. I really needed that after my dad abandoned me. His kindness is what saved me. So that was the Kiba i wanted to focus on.

Even though what he was doing hurt me to the core, I still loved him.

Was I stupid for it? Maybe, but I had hope things would change.

With no work to worry about today, Tenten came by and we went shopping and enjoyed lunch. I was half way into a cinnamon bun when it dawned on me that my car was still back at the bar. So after our hang out session i asked Ten to drop me off at the Nindo and prayed I didn't get a ticket.

Staring up at the sign brought memories flooding back. Even though i didn't listen to him I would have to find a way to thank him if i ever saw that mystery man again.

I told Tenten all about him and we both agreed he was like a fairy god mother of some sorts.

I chuckle at the idea of such a handsome guy dressed up in a fairy outfit as i approach my car which was ticketless thank goodness.

As I was entering my car I spotted the very man I was thinking of in my mirror, entering the Nindo.

I was shocked.
Here I was thinking i'd never see him again, but there he was. I guess he must be a regular.

This was it. I had to thank him at least one more time for taking the time to comfort and take care of me.

Who knew maybe we could even exchange numbers and become friends?

I locked my car door and followed him into the bar.

Once i entered i noticed his behavior was different. He barely sat down before he was ordering.

" Tequila shots ...two of them" i heard him grumble.

I approached him like he was a wild animal. Settling down in the seat next to him, i was able to finally look at his face.

He stared down at the counter with such lifelessness in his eyes it frightened me. He was wearing the same clothes he was the night that i met him.

Did he even go home?

" Um excuse me" i said shyly. " Do you r-remember me?"

He barely turned his head in my direction.

" Oh hey its you" he said unenthusiastically.

His shots were placed down and his attention immediately went to them. One after the other he chugged them like they were nothing.

My eyes grew wide.

" Two more Kura" he said to the bar tender.

" Uh i don't think thats a good idea" i let slip out.

He would loose his liver if he kept up like this.

He looked at me as if he had seen me for the first time. There was annoyance in his eyes. The bartender stopped her actions awaiting further direction.

" Thanks for the concern Miss mystery, but I'm an adult i don't need a baby sitter " he said. He then signaled the bartender to continue.

A mixture of embarrassment and irritation hit my stomach as i sat back in my seat.

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