Chapter 21: Tense

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I quickly squeezed Kiba's arm as hard as I could to momentarily distract him.

" That's right you left your phone in the car! Remember it was sitting on the dash board!" I yelled.

Kiba gave me a confused face expression, as I yanked him towards the door.

" We will be right back so sorry Sakura!" I said over my shoulder.

Kiba wasn't exactly light so getting him to go out side was a task and a half. Once we were out of site he exploded.

" What the fuck is that guy doing here Hinata!?" he yelled.

That's exactly what I wanted to know.

The shock of everything still flooded my system, I struggled to form words.

This looked so bad.

I rested my hands on his chest, my eyes were desperate. " You have to believe me Kiba I had no idea he'd be here!"

Kiba pulled my hands off of him and backed away.

" How do you expect me to believe that! Your friend just happens to be dating that guy and you had no idea about it!"

" Yes! I never knew she never really told me much about who she was dating I'm just as shocked as you are" I pleaded.

Kiba put his hands on his head and rocked on the heels of his feet.

" Tell me what's really going on Hinata."

" Kiba come on!"  I approached him again, but he held up a hand to keep me from going any further.

" Why do you think I pulled you out here? What do you think this was some elaborate set up or something?"

" It sure looks like that" he snapped back.

Hearing him say that cut me so deep.

" Kiba I would never do that. You know me" I said.

Kiba was silent, he didn't look at me at all.

Why would he even think I'd do that to him?

To go behind his back and do this out of pettiness.

I thought he knew me better. I thought we were healing.

My stomach dropped. " Really Kiba!?"

" Okay!" He yelled out.

He then marched over to me and held my face.

His eyes were sad.

" You're not lying to me, you wouldn't do that to me?"

I put my hands over his hands.

" Of course not" replied

He then kissed me so hard I felt his bottom teeth poking into my lip.

" Kiba!" I said catching my breath.

And I thought I was being possessive.

Our foreheads rested against each other. " I want to believe you I'm just really mad and it's hard " he almost whispered.

That kiss turned my insides.

It reminded me of before we started dating, when he would get  jealous over other guys, but wouldn't be my boyfriend. Back then I wasn't allowed to get jealous over other girls.

I wondered if I acted the way he did just now what would happen?

I pulled away from him. " We have to go back in there you know."

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