Chapter 28 : Past

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The soreness in my knees and neck forced me to open my eyes.

Did I fall asleep?

I looked around, as my brain tried to recall the fragmented memories of last night. Last I remembered, I decided to watch over Naruto while he slept, just for a bit. I had no idea how much he had drank so I wanted to make sure he was alright, but it seemed like the only thing I ended up watching was the back of my eye lids.

My stomach dropped as I realized he was no longer there and I was now on the couch. I quickly rose to my feet, the blanket that once covered him, sliding off of me and onto the floor.

I scanned my condo.

Oh my god. What if he went to Crimson Corp?

I gasped, wasn't I supposed to be at work right now?

I mashed my face with both my hands.

Since when was I such a heavy sleeper?

My front door opened and I nearly had a heart attack. I grabbed the tv remote off my coffee table and pointed it at my intruder.

Naruto walked through my door holding several bags and bagel between his lips. We both froze looking at each other. I slowly lowered my weapon as he slowly lowered his bags to the ground.

" Sorry I didn't mean to scare you" he said removing the bagel from his mouth. " I bought breakfast."

I blew a strand of hair out of my face, " Oh....thank you."

Naruto dug through one of the bags " I also bought some soap because I used the last of yours up, Some milk because I kinda chugged all of yours when I woke up, some new towels because I threw up all over the floor and wiped it up with the towels in the bathroom, I got you some cinnamon buns because I know you like those, coffee, bagels and-"

" Woah! " I said with a chuckle. "You didn't have to do all that."

Naruto looked at me and scratched his head " I'm sorry. I'm embarrassed. Waking up at you're place with no idea how I got there and seeing you there fast asleep all curled up by the I must have given you so much trouble last night."

" Its okay..." I said approaching him. " I wanted to look after you."

" You shouldn't have. H-How did you even know...that....I-"

" Sakura called me.."

Naruto's face fell. " You should have left me back at my apartment, i...I don't want to burden you with my problems."

" It's not a burden. I care about you" I said. "I don't mind being a shoulder to lean on. I want to help but it's hard when you don't let me in. Don't you trust me?"

Naruto hesitated, but eventually nodded his head.

" Then let me in. I'm worried about you and OH MY GOD my job! "

I almost forgot about it again. I panicked glancing at Naruto's watch. I was so fired.

Naruto chuckled " it's okay I called us out sick."

I relaxed my shoulders.

Thank goodness.

" Plus I don't think he's worried about US not being there" I heard him mumble.

The sadness in is eyes hurt me to my core. Someone as warm and sunny as him deserved to smile all the time.

I was ready to hug him when Naruto surprised me and hugged me first. His freshly washed skin smelt like my soap.

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