Chapter 6: Spark

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We walked together down a dirt pathway in a park not too far from my condo. It was like he couldn't keep still, he was looking all around trying desperately to figure out where we were going.

I couldn't help but laugh.

" W-why are you laughing?" he asked surprised by my sudden out burst.

" You're making me laugh...relax we're almost there" I responded.

" I Feel like I'm about to be murdered. The weird pathway, the woods, the silence. I mean this is horror movie 101" he said.

I laughed again and stopped when I heard even louder laughter coming from up a head.

I smiled widely in response.

We were here.

" Great and the boys are here too " I said with excitement.

My blond stranger squinted his eyes to see what was up a head. "A soccer field?" he said looking into the distance. " Are we going to play?"

" Yep" I replied placing my hand in my shorts pocket. I pulled out a hair tie and put my hair into a pony tail.

I could see him smirk and make a  " I don't believe what you're saying" face. I mean given my shy awkward personality, soccer player did seem a bit far fetched. I couldn't blame him.

" You play soccer? No way" he said slightly rolling his eyes.

I bent one leg and reached for the other stretching my muscles out in preparation. " That's okay if you don't believe me no one does.. I guess I have to show you" I said.

I bent forward to touch my toes and caught him checking out my butt.

I sighed.

I pushed myself to be more bold.

" Hello earth to stranger " I said looking at him upside down between my legs.

" Are you gonna stretch too or should I come closer so you can get a better look."

Realizing I caught him he looked away obviously flustered and cleared his throat.

It was nice not being the embarrassed one for once.

Maybe I was sort of getting a hang of this confidence thing.

" Sorry" he mumbled. He then stood next to me and began stretching as well.

When we made it to the field and the biggest smile I could muster spread across my face. I loved soccer.

The lush green field and laughter from the kids passing the ball back and forth, it reminded me of the good times during my childhood. Soccer was always an escape from the madness. It never failed to help me relax.

" There's only little middle school kids out there playing and there all boys. How do we fit in this equation?" He said scratching his head.

" I wouldn't underestimate those kids there pretty good" i said watching them.

My blond stranger raised an eyebrow of doubt and before he could say anything I grabbed onto his forearm to get his full attention.

" Or me for that matter" I forced myself to say.

The look of shock then determination in his eyes was like a silent challenge. I wasn't sure what it was but with him, I felt like I could take on the world. I was excited, like I wanted to impress him.

Or maybe just maybe there was a part of me who loved competition.

" There it is, that little bit of fire you keep smothering" he said wagging his finger.

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