24- Stressing Out & Goodbyes.

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We all piled onto the airport bus off to the airport. Connor entwined our fingers as we sat watching the night go by. This is really happening, he's really going away for three weeks without me. I'm going to have to stay at home and study while they're all out kicking butt. I'm a little jealous, and sad, mainly sad.
There's so many of us, Matt temporarily loses his ticket, he brought along Nick he also decided to bring two young clueless bimbos. Em and Rhys are totally loved up, they look like a couple going on holiday. Jack's stressing out about something and Lily's trying to calm him down, and I guess I'm just standing there looking bemused and sad, with my cool as cucumber boyfriend.

"You got your ticket?"
"Yup, right here." He fans it in front of my face. How is he so calm?
"Are you okay baby? You look so sad."
"Of course I'm sad." He smiles softly at me.
"Don't stress babe, it'll go like that." He snaps his fingers, he's so close to me. I can see my reflection in his eyes. "I'm going to miss you so much, Nez."
"I'm going to miss you more." We walk up the counter and the flirty young hostess loads his bag. Oh god.
"Have a good flight." She smiles. Oh god, he hasn't even left yet. I stare at my feet, were they always this small? Or is it just me, right now? Everyone else seems relatively lively, and I'm just standing there like an anti-social deadbeat. Urgh. Liven up, Ines.
"Baby, are you sure you're okay?" Connor whispers to me.
"I'm sorry, I'm being such a deadbeat, I just really don't want you to leave. I'm going to miss you so much, I do already." He smiles softly at me and gently takes my face in his hands.
"You won't ever be a deadbeat Nez. Not to me." He kisses me and I got all tingly. Someone whistles and I start to laugh while he's kissing me.
"I'm sorry, I'm actually genuinely sorry to break up this makeout but, we have to get to the boarding gate." Jack says. He's so cute. I was very proud that I hadn't started crying yet. We all stood in a circle, well except Matt and his bimbo who were off saying goodbye in a bathroom cubicle. We promised each other we would write and call, Connor holding me tight. Don't leave! It was when the hostess lady called the final boarding that I started to cry. Not loudly, not obviously, only Connor saw.
"Baby don't cry, please don't." He wraps me up in his arms. "It'll go so quickly I promise. I'll call you whenever I can, I'll write you letters. You won't even know I'm not there." He takes my face in his hands. "I love you." I started to kiss him. The announcer spoke again saying that everyone had to board. The air hostess told them that they had to get on the plane. But I wouldn't let him go. I won't stop kissing him, and he won't stop kissing me. In the end, Nick has to hold me down and Matt drags Connor onto the plane. It's quite a funny sight. We wait around for their plane to leave. Jack looks sad, no he looks old. He's lost his spark. The sparkle I guess. I don't know. Nick escorts the two clueless girls somewhere, I wasn't listening when he said where and Jack and I catch the bus home. Everything is so dull now. I miss his eyes.


"You okay?" Connor asks from the seat behind me. I give him a not-so-convincing smile and a thumbs up. I wonder if this is what morning sickness feels like.
"Super." I slump against my seat and get back to wallowing in my own misery and loneliness. Missing Jack already. I wonder what he's doing? Hm...
"You finishing those?" Em asks holding my hand. She picks up my in-flight meal. Just the thing for travel sickness.
"Go for it." She grabs them. I could really use some liquids right now. "Em? You have water?" She shakes her head, her mouth full of my fish. Gross. "Uhg. How long?"
"About three hours." Jesus. I'm gonna die. No. Distract yourself. Happy thoughts. Jack. Hazel eyes. No, now I'm sick and depressed. I groan and close my eyes, trying to get some sleep.
"Lil. We're getting off now." Em is shaking my shoulder. I wake up feeling much better and about as chipper as you can after a five-hour flight. We grab our hand luggage and head to baggage collection. I love the carousel thingies. Every time I'm at an airport, I have an almost irresistible urge to jump on one as Mila Kunis did in Friends with Benefits. Good movie. I can see Em balling up her hands into fists and know she's thinking the same thing I am.
"You want to hop on too?"
"It takes a massive toll on my self-control to walk past one." She says quietly.
"I know that feeling." We grab our luggage and pile into a Maxi Cab. Connor takes care of all the payments with the travel money we got from school. I could never understand taxis. We get to the plush hotel where we grab our keys. Em, and I have to share a room and so do Connor and Matt. Rhys is on his own. Poor boy, although I can imagine he'll be visiting Em a lot. I run into our room and throw myself on the extremely comfy bed in my room.

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