8 - Teams and Tight Suits.

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 I feel like a complete idiot.
I don't know how the gym at our school works; Is it like a permission kind of thing, or can you just walk on in? Maybe there's a security guard, and you need a membership card with an ID on it. I don't have one of those. I was never given one, oh god. I'll call Lily.
"Helloooo?" she asks, laughing at something said before.
"Lily! It's me."
"Oh hi, Ines." She says "What's up?"
"I was just wondering, do you need a pass to get in the gym? Or can you just go in?"
"I'm pretty sure you can just walk in." She laughs.
"Ok phew, thanks you're the best." Well, that cleared a lot of things up. Now to exercise and be able to kick people's asses and look like a Charlie's Angel while doing it. That is my goal at this new school, to become a Charlie's Angel, I have always loved that movie.
 I move from the treadmill to the bike machines, they're my favourite. I'm very confused about what Connor meant. My period is a natural cycle of my body, it isn't that disgusting. Sure it's a little disgusting, but not as disgusting as he made it sound. That was just rude. It is very disgusting though, I think if I had the choice I wouldn't want to think about it either. And here I am arguing with myself on a treadmill. I'm definitely going to regret this workout. 

Two hours and a bucket of sweat later I walk out of the gym feeling great. Can't say I smelt great, but I certainly felt great. All I can think about on the walk up to my room is how lovely my bathroom is, especially the shower. I step into the shower and scrub away all the horrible sweat. When I come back into my room and see I've missed two calls from Connor, whoops. I dial his number quickly.
"Hello," I laugh. "Sorry, I missed your calls I was in the gym."
"That's alright, can I come and see you?"
"Of course, come on up."
"Alright, see you soon." I scramble around looking for clothes. I don't really know what to wear, I don't want to look like I'm trying too hard. Oh for god's sake. By the time he knocks on my door, I've managed to pull on warm socks, a pair of leggings, a t-shirt and hoody.
"Wow." He mutters as I open the door. He steps closer to me and kisses me quickly. "Sorry, impulse." He says, smiling at me softly. I can feel his warm breath on my nose.
"It's fine," I say dismissively. He grins and kisses me once more.
"I'm sorry if I offended you before. Some girls are really touchy on that subject, I didn't mean to be rude."
"It wasn't offensive at all, don't worry about it." He smiles relieved. I'm seriously regretting going to the gym, my stomach is killing me.
"What do you want to do?"
"Maybe some more of what we were doing before?" I ask, take the hint, please.
"Something like this?" He asks and then kisses me.
"Sounds great." I smile coyly at him. And we proceed to do that for quite some time. 


 I walk back into the school after shopping for a present for Lily... and yes I did get her a lock, along with a new video game and book. I knew she'd been wanting these things for ages so I quickly brought them before I forgot to get anything.
"Ines-" I start to say before dropping my bags and covering my eyes gagging.
"Oh god mentally unprepared" I uncover my eyes and jump on my bed face first, burying my head in my pillow.
"Oh, Em...hey." I look up and they're both staring at me smiling awkwardly.
"Get a room people," I say reprimanding them.
"We were in a room, Emma," Connor replied
"Yeah, my room."
"My room too Em," Ines says offended.
"It was mine first" I reply while walking to my dresser.
"Whatever Em" She gives me a sarcastic smirk and pulls her middle finger out, probably proud of my reaction. She kisses Connor one more time and I cough, loudly. 

"So Ines ready for some hardcore training?" I ask. Maybe, just maybe I can get my revenge.
"Urgh no I just came back from the Gym" She moans.
"Perks of being in an Assassin School. Oh well, I can just go, leave you two to suck each others faces again." I grab my yellow neon training top, black pants and walk into the bathroom to get changed.
"Well see you guys." I wave, walking out of the room.
"Bye Em" They both reply.
"Continue your session," I said, winking.
"Em just go," Ines says rolling her eyes.
"Fine be that way, I know where I'm not loved."
"Em bye" She shooed me out with her hands and I Iaugh closing the door.

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