Lended Textbook - 1

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Kyouka packed up for the day as she put her English textbook and papers into her backpack. Just as she was about to exit the classroom she noticed she was missing her Chemistry textbook. "Fuck, I think I need that today," Kyouka mumbled to herself as she put her backpack on a nearby desk to sort through it.

She glanced to the side seeing Denki talking with Kirishima and Sero. Sighing to herself she pulled Denki to the side, yanking him by his arm. "Hey! Kyouka, what are you doing?" Denki yelled at her, shocked, as he looked at her in question. Kirishima and Sero only awkwardly smiled, nodding to Kyouka that she could take him as if she was asking for permission.

"Do we need our Chemistry textbook in Kayama-sensei's class?" She asked, letting go of Denki's arm, to his relief.

"Seriously, this is what you pull me aside for?" Denki sighed looking at her incredulously, sweatdropping as he rubbed the arm Kyouka pulled on. "We need it for the majority of the class, why?"

"Can I borrow your textbook? I forgot mine." Kyouka gave the boy with yellow hair an embarrassed smile.

"Uh...sure thing," He pulled the textbook from his backpack and handed it to Kyouka. Failing to notice that the two people he was talking to previously have left the classroom to head to their last class.

"Thanks," She said, casually sliding the textbook into her backpack. "Do you want me to meet up with you somewhere after school to give you back your textbook?" Kyouka glanced at Denki in question.

"Nah, Hanta is giving me a ride home from school today."

"The hell am I supposed to do with your textbook then?" She asked, quirking her eyebrow in confusion.

Denki put his fingers on his chin in a thinking position before an idea popped into his head. Pulling out an old crumpled-up homework assignment from his backpack with a pen he started writing something down. "This is my locker and here's my combination," He said, handing the piece of paper to Kyouka. "Put it in there once you're done."

Kyouka nodded as she put the piece of paper into her pocket, quickly rushing out of the classroom as she heard the warning bell.


Kyouka loudly sighed out in relief, laying her head against the cold surface of her desk the moment she heard the last bell ring. She pulled the piece of paper Denki had given her out of her pocket, sighing in frustration as she struggled to read what he wrote.

"Hey Mina, can you come here for a second?" Kyouka asked as Mina was currently waiting for her by the door.

"What's up?" Mina asked, leaning over Kyouka from above.

Kyouka handed Mina the piece of paper, taking her head off the desk. "Is this letter a Y, J, or K?"

Mina cringed as she saw the messy handwriting, "The paper says locker 12J and combination 22 12 14," She said, squinting her eyes as she still attempted to decipher the letter of the locker. "Wait whose locker combination do you have?" Her eyes shined in interest as she leaned her face closer to Kyouka.

"It's Denki's, are you interested?" She jokingly asked, letting out a laugh. Mina could only cringe in disgust as she handed the paper back to Kyouka. "He only gave me his locker combination to give back his textbook, so come on."

Mina and Kyouka walked out of the classroom into the hall, the hall only holding a couple of people and groups of people nearby. The two made their way to locker 12J, briefly stopping by Mina's locker so she can put her books for tomorrow in there. The moment her backpack was significantly lighter the girl ran ahead and looked for Denki's locker. "Locker 12J! Kyouka, I found it!" Mina called over, waving her hands in the air for Kyouka.

"For some reason this seems like the wrong locker," Kyouka mused out as she approached the locker, looking at the nearby surroundings.

"It's what the paper said,'' Mina shrugged, leaning against the lockers.

"True, now let's see the combination is.." Kyouka handed the paper to Mina to read off the combination as Kyouka worked on getting the locker open.

"22...12...14," Mina repeated, pausing to only wait for Kyouka to get to the right number.

Kyouka tugged on the lock, the lock refusing to open. "Did that dumbass give me the wrong combination?" She asked Mina, who only shrugged her shoulders. "Here, let me see, maybe you read the combination or locker wrong," Kyouka said, attempting to read Denki's messy handwriting again, despite failing last time.

"Nevermind, that's definitely the right locker," Kyouka said, pausing to read the combination. "And that's the right combination."

"Maybe he got the combination wrong?" Mina suggested, "I swear before he always forgot his combination."

"Shit, you're right, he probably forgot his combination again," Kyouka sighed, as she wished she asked someone else for their Chemistry textbook.

"Well, wanna head out and just give him his book tomorrow?" Mina asked.

"He gets to school late and he has Kayama first period," Kyouka replied, pausing as she pulled out a blank piece of paper from one of her notebooks. "So, I'm just going to put his book in my locker and tell him my combination." Kyouka handed Mina her textbook to hold as she wrote down her locker number and combination.

"Fair enough," Mina replied, already heading in the direction of Kyouka's locker, having memorized where it was. "Your combination is 17 6 4, right?" She asked, only on the other side of the hall, a healthy distance away from Denki's locker.

"Yeah," Kyouka replied, finishing writing the note as she slipped it into the locker, pocketing Denki's note. "Let's get out of here Mina!" She said, soon right after, already at her locker as Mina closed the lock on her locker.


Hey, thanks for the textbook, but you wrote the wrong combination. If you want your textbook back just get it from my locker. Locker 7H; Combination 17 6 4

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