♡30•What Are You Doing•30♡

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That day, I went to Lena and Kara's house along with Lexie.

"Uh, Lizzie just go with Carter and Chris first. I need to tell Lena and Kara something." She was still glowing and happy and I can't remember the last time I saw her like this. I nodded my head and went up the stairs.

When I got upstairs, Chris was gone and it was just Carter. 

"Where's Chris?" I closed the door and sat on the sofa.

"At a playdate with his friends." He set his book down and walked closer to me. "Can we talk?"

I couldn't say anything even if I wanted to so I just nodded my head.

"I'm sorry I was a terrible friend." He apologized and I nodded my head. "I shouldn't have let Savannah come in between us and I hope you can forgive me." He went to a closet and brought out a box of cupcakes from my favorite bakery. I couldn't help but smile.

"Of course I forgive you. Now give me some food." I snatched the box from his hand playfully and Carter just laughed.

"So what changed lately?" He grabbed a cupcake from the box and started eating.

"Uh, I made some new friends. Ivy and Emma. They're great." I wiped off some frosting I felt on my cheek.

"Oh, how'd you meet them?" He leaned back into his couch cushion and I moved my legs a bit to be more comfortable.

"Oh, Ivy's dad came in an ambulance and Emma got into a car accident. We stayed together after that." I stood up to throw away the wrapper of the cupcake.

"Wanna watch a movie? You can pick." I smiled and went to grab his remote. I heard the familiar soundtrack of 10 Things I Hate About You playing and Carter groaning.

"Seriously?" He looked over to me and groaned playfully.

"It's a classic." I shrugged and pushed him a little to make room for me. We finished 2 hours later and Lexie looked strangely calmer than before.

"Lena, Kara what did you two do?" I eyed the two giggling, drunk women suspiciously.

"Nothing that won't attract a certain someone to your sister." Lena snickered and Lexie just rolled her eyes.

"Lena let me borrow her blue silk shirt for today." Lexie twirled around to show it off.

"Looks great but aren't you going to be in scrubs the whole day?" Lexie just sighed and ruffled my head.

"Stay innocent forever, okay?" We waved goodbye to Kara, Lena, and Carter as Lexie drove to the hospital. I fell asleep for a while until Lexie woke me up to change into normal scrubs. Megan had her day off today so I just left my hair down while Lexie's put hers up into a ponytail.

Cristina was working on a special case so now Lexie and I wandered the halls. She froze up for a while and then calmed back down again.

"Stay here." She said and walked over to Dr. Sloan. I stayed in place and checked the messages on my phone.

Ivy and Emma were bickering about the right answer to a math problem. I quickly solved it on a piece of paper by the nurse's concierge and sent them the solution and the answer. 

I put my phone back in my pocket and when I looked up, Lexie had shown up with a mischievous smile on her face.

"What did you do?" I smiled at her. I haven't seen her this happy in a long time.

"Nothing. Why do you ask?" She raised an eyebrow playfully.

"You have the same look on your face as when you were 18 and you made out with Andrew in dad's truck. I caught you before he came out and you gave me 100 bucks." 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2022 ⏰

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