♡8•Emergency Room•8♡

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Lexie only got to sleep for 4 hours because Dad started wrecking our living room. Thankfully he passed out so Lexie and I cleaned the living room. We made sure Dad only had 5 drinks so that he would be pleasant and help us.

We returned to work the next day and worked in the Emergency Room with Dr. Yang. There weren't a lot of cases. It was a pretty slow day. The most interesting case we had was when someone's forehead was bleeding because of a possum.

I was charting with Lexie when Meredith started walking towards us.

"Hey, I'm filling in for Cristina, so how's it going?" 

"A guy was attacked by a possum." I didn't look up. I couldn't bear to see her face after what she did to Lexie.

"I pulled a splinter out of a guy's toe and now, I'm writing about it." Lexie half-heartedly smiled.

"Ok well if you have any questions-" 

"Oh I have a lot of questions, just not about a splinter." Lexie shook her head.

"Okay." Meredith crossed her arms.

"Okay." Lexie rolled her eyes. She does this when she's given up on people. It hardly ever happens but when it does, I have to be the one to step in to make sure there's no accidental bloodshed.

The E.R. doors opened and 2 paramedics came in.

"40-year old unrestrained driver in a rollover M.C. Lost vitals on the scene and we were unable to intubate." They rolled him into Trauma 1 while Meredith looked at his chart.

"Lexie, let's go." Lexie put down her chart and went in to help Meredith. I went around helping other patients for 5 minutes before I heard Meredith call time of death. 

I heard voices being raised in Trauma 1 and I rushed in to help with the bloodshed but it was too late.

"No, you should have done everything that you could!" Lexie started raising her voice even further.

"That was everything I could." 

"Well, what kind of doctor are you?" 

"What is this about?"

I stepped in before Lexie could say anything else. 

"Lex, calm down and let it go. There's nothing more you can do." 

"If you don't want to learn from me, that's fine. But I have to cover the pit today. So why don't you do both of us a favor and go help Bailey in the clinic?" 

"Fine." Lexie walked out.

"Fine!" Meredith rolled her eyes and didn't pay attention to me.

"I almost died." I sat down on the floor.

"What?" Meredith looked up from her chart. Funny, she looked like she actually cared about me.

"When I was 11, my entire family went on a trip to a nearby lake. I had just graduated college so that was my graduation gift." I looked up at Meredith.

"My other sister, Molly, hated me. Still hates me actually, so she pushed me into the lake. When you dedicate your entire life to becoming a surgeon you don't actually learn how to swim." I felt myself being suffocated by the memory.

"My mom, Susan, swam and saved me but I wasn't breathing for 5 minutes. Brains can't last longer than 6 minutes without oxygen so my entire family thought I was dead. Lexie was so angry with me for not learning how to swim and she hit my chest so hard I actually came back to life. It was so scary. I was stuck in this dark place and the only light came from fire that kept on closing in on me."

Lizzie Grey M.D.Where stories live. Discover now