♡27•Cat Out Of The Bag•27♡

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It's been 3 days. I eat too much because I want to take my mind off of Carter and Savannah, end up puking it all out, eat too much because I'm hungry, puke again...you get the picture. I visited Lena and Kara a lot and hung over at their house when Savannah wasn't there which was practically never. I only got to visit them when she had this cheerleading tournament.

Apparently, Dr. Hahn was now gone. She just vanished. I walked into the intern room and Megan sat me down on the bench as soon as I changed.

"How would you feel about crown braids?" She separated my hair into a few sections.

"Absolutely love them. You're glowing today!" I looked up and she just rolled her eyes playfully and put my head back into position.

"Pierce surprised me with a trip to visit my parents."

"Oh that's great!" A few minutes later she finished braiding my hair.

"I love it! Thank you." I hugged her and left the intern room since Lexie paged me. I walked in on Cristina, still in normal clothes, talking to Lexie.

"Solo surgeries are at stake here, Three. I can't have you acting weird or wounded." She glanced at Lexie's arms. She wasn't wounded at all. She was totally fine. 

"I'm- I am on top of my game, really." Lexie nodded her head.

"I'm sending you to plastics, far far away just go." Cristina waved her away and I walked next to Lexie.

"Hey, I like your hair! Did Megan fix it?" We turned a corner.

"Mhm. She's probably my favorite intern." Lexie gasped dramatically.

"I thought I was your favorite intern." She pushed my shoulder gently. "I gotta go. See you later?" She walked in the opposite direction.

"Mhm!" I felt really weak. But I drank some water to make it go away. I got called to the E.R. and quickly put on my trauma gown. I walked in with Meredith who smiled at me so I smiled back.

We both walked into the room together.

"Oh my God." I looked as a guy had a literal femur in his stomach.

"Check the popliteal pulse." Dr. Hunt directed and I went closer.

"I'm getting nothing." I looked at Callie.

"That's because his knee's over here." I winced a little and held back some vomit.

"You think he was sleeping in that dumpster and then they started crushing the trash?" Cristina asked.

"It's a bad day." Meredith shook her head.

"Hey, I'm here. What did I miss?" An unfamiliar woman entered the room.

"Okay, it's your first day. Why don't you just stand back and shut up?" Cristina said harshly and I just tilted my head. She must have pissed Cristina off somehow.

Cristina removed her stethoscope. "Breath sounds are clear and equal on both sides. Unbelievable." She shook her head.

"Okay so no punctured lung. We need a portable X-ray and ultrasound." He looked at the chart and Derek and Dr. Sloan walked in.

"Someone paged us?" Dr. Sloan asked.

"I did." Dr. Hunt looked up from his chart.

"You did? That's a first." Derek looked surprised.

"So is this." Dr. Hunt walked towards them. "I've seen a lot of trauma guys cut in half, amputations, eviscerations but I have never seen anything like this." He stepped aside for them to see our patient. "I wondered if you could help."

Lizzie Grey M.D.Where stories live. Discover now