♡26•Solo Surgeries•26♡

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I've been avoiding Lena and Kara's house for a week. I talk to them and they visit me at the hotel but Carter never joins them and I know why. He's with Savannah and can't be bothered to see me.

My bulimia is fully back and since I inherited Lexie's habit of stress-eating, I accidentally eat too much and then throw everything up. Lena and Kara think I'm still fine so I let them believe that instead of talking to them because I don't like bothering other people.

Today, I was working with Cristina and Lexie in the pit. The E.R. doors burst open and we rolled the gurney into Trauma 1. 

"Unidentified male, mid-30s, lost vitals in the field, shocked him back into sinus tach. Possible fractures in both arms, unstable pelvis." The paramedic said and we prepared to lift him off the gurney and onto the bed. 

"Okay, on three. One, two, three." We put all our strength to lift him onto the bed and a paramedic rolled the gurney away.

"Open right tib/fib, rigid abdomen." They handed Cristina a chart.

"What doesn't this guy have?" She scanned the paper.

"Found him under a freeway overpass. Cops think someone threw him over." The paramedic walked away.

"After they beat him half to death?" Cristina searched for where to start.

Dr. Hunt and Chief Webber were talking about something but I couldn't really hear them over the noise.

I intubated him quickly and a paramedic squeezed the ambu bag. 

"Oh, Dr. Webber, I was just wondering, uh, regarding the solo surgery, I presume it's gonna be a, um, general surgery? I just want to be prepared." Lexie and I looked up but then I looked back down to examine the man.

My hair was pretty long and went past my shoulders so it was tied back into a french braid that Megan did for me while in the intern room. She was really sweet and she liked doing new hairstyles on me. 

"You'll know when you all know." Chief Webber replied and Cristina looked disappointed. He turned to Dr. Hunt this time. "And one more thing, if my E.R. reports are right, you've been working for 3 days straight. When do you sleep?"

"You keep tabs on all your attendings, or just the new guys?" Dr. Hunt asked and the monitor started beeping.

"His I.V. blew," Lexie said.

"Yang, he needs that access now." Dr. Hunt said angrily. 

"Yes, I'm doing it, sir." Dr. Hunt grabbed something out of the cabinet.

"This will buy him some time until you get that line in." He punctured the patient's chest and my eyes widened. "If you were less worried about winning contests, you might have thought of it." He chastised Cristina.

Once the patient was stable, we called Callie in and Lexie and I removed our trauma gowns since our part was done.

"What does a guy have to do to get a beating this bad?" Callie asked.

"Maybe he'll tell us when he wakes up." Dr. Hunt replied.

"Well, let's hope he makes it that long." Callie shook her head sadly at the man. 

"Three, Five, run these to the lab and then go by the morgue and get the forms for an unclaimed body." She handed me the blood samples. 

"He's gonna need a chest tube right? Cause I was just hoping with the solo surgery coming up" Lexie was interrupted by Cristina.

"With the solo surgery coming up, your job is to impress me. So go." She shook her head at us and Lexie and I left quickly before she could chastise me for anything.

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