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It's been two months since my first day of residency at Seattle Grace and I have gotten in trouble almost every week.

Chief Webber said that if I got past 70 hours per week, Lexie would drive me back to the hotel personally. I accidentally forget every week and do 80 hours a week like the other interns but somehow he always catches me.

It's Halloween and Dr. Yang said it was custom for interns and residents to dress up for Halloween. Lexie went as some sort of Raggedy Ann and I went as a unicorn because who can resist a child wearing a unicorn horn?

"He's going to catch you." Lexie said as we changed into our scrubs.

"Not if you don't tell him." I smiled cheekily at Lexie. 

"Allison Chelsea Grey what in God's name are you doing at work?" I turned around to see Chief Webber.

"Hi Chief! Do you like my costume? I'm a unicorn." I attempted to change the subject.

"Very adorable." His face remained stoic. "Lexie, drive her back home." 

I rolled my eyes. "No thanks I will go by myself." I grabbed my bag and left the locker room.

"Go hang out with kids your own age!" Chief Webber yelled at me from down the hall while the rest of the interns watched.

"Highly unlikely!" I left the hospital and searched for a place to go. How does Webber always catch me? I'm always quiet and I don't make a lot of commotion. I walked down the street, still in my scrubs and unicorn horn when I saw an ice cream shop.

I went in and saw a couple of people. It wasn't too jam packed but it was popular enough to mean the ice cream is good.

"Hi can I have two scoops of cotton candy and one scoop of cookie dough with extra extra sprinkles please?" The man behind the counter nodded and I handed him 3 dollars. In exchange I got a delicious looking cup of ice cream and sprinkles and a special Halloween themed spoon to celebrate the holiday. 

There were no tables, only a bar with high stools. I sat down next to a boy and took a picture of myself with the ice cream and sent it to Lexie.

A: Look at what 3 dollars gets you.

L: That's just evil. 

A: Ugh why does Chief Webber have to be so cruel?

L: Because you have to hang out with people your own age.

A: I'm hanging out with someone right now.

L: Oh really? Who?

A: I have no idea who he is but I'm eating ice cream next to him so that's an improvement.

L: Gotta go, patient's family is complaining.

A: See ya.

I put down my phone and started eating the ice cream.

"What are you dressed as?" The boy next to me asked.

"I'm a unicorn." I pointed to the headband on my head. "Isn't it obvious?"

"Well, you're also wearing scrubs." He pointed down to the rest of my outfit.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to change before I left work." I took another bite of ice cream.

"Work? You look 13." He asked.

"I am 13 but I'm a surgeon at Seattle Grace Hospital too." 

"Impressive resume." He held his hand out for me to shake. "I'm Carter. Carter Peralta."

I shook his hand. "Lizzie Grey." I smiled at him.

"If you're a doctor, I don't think you should be eating that much ice cream." He looked down at my ice cream cup that's loaded with sprinkles.

Lizzie Grey M.D.Where stories live. Discover now