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6 weeks later, Lexie and George found an apartment that they could afford. According to George, it was absolutely disgusting and according to Lexie, it was a clean slate. I knew George was right.

I was living at the Archfield because since Lexie is gone, I can't stay with dad by myself. It was a really good hotel but I could afford it because of all the money I got from when my grandmother died. I was always her favorite.

I've been throwing up a lot lately. I take pregnancy tests every week just to be sure even though I am a virgin. I am very paranoid. Since the Archfield isn't very far from the hospital I usually just walk back and forth. But when it's late at night, I spend the night at the hospital and go to the hotel in the morning.

I spent the night at the hospital since I needed to come back the next day anyways. I bumped into Mer, Izzie and Cristina.

"How's the contest going?" I asked as I ate a pepppermint.

"Oh I am so kicking everyone's butt today." Izzie said very determined.

"You wish, you're 26 points behind. I'm winning this." Cristina said.

"What happened to you, Liz? Why do you look like me?" Meredith asked.

"I spent the night at the hospital. All my hair accessories are at the hotel and all I have is a ribbon so I braided my hair with a red ribbon and now I look like Little Red Riding Hood and Rapunzel combined." I looked at her. "At least I look cute, what happened to you?"

"Living in the hospital for 2 weeks is what happened to me. I gotta win this so see ya Liz!" She yelled as she crossed the catwalk. I waved bye and went to the coffee cart for breakfast.

"Hi Dr. Sloan." I got 2 bagels for breakfast and only paid 2 dollars. 

"Hello, Lizzie. I like your ribbon." He remarked.

"Thank you. Have a good day!" I grabbed my bagels and waved goodbye. No one was paging me so I had a nice breakfast at the hospital. I missed Lexie a lot but their apartment had a lot of bugs and I screamed whenever I saw bugs so I couldn't go see her a lot.

After I ate the two bagels I started walking around and then I felt the need to throw up. At this point, I could control when I was going to throw up so I slowly walked to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet.

"Ugh, stupid bagels." I brushed my teeth then ate a peppermint for extra good breath. I hadn't told anyone about the constant vomiting and I planned for it to stay that way. I got paged to the E.R. so I ran there immediately.

"What's going on?" I walked into a room with Meredith, George and Callie.

"Bear attack. Help me examine him, Liz." Meredith said and I put on some gloves and went to Meredith's side.

"Is my brother gonna be ok? I gotta know if he's okay." The patient said.

"They're taking him to surgery. They don't know much yet." Meredith said while suturing the man.

"We'll keep you informed." George smiled reassuringly at the man.

"Okay, okay." His BP started to go down.

"Impressive hand, Phillip." Callie said. I looked at his hand and my eyes widened. "I can see right through it." There was a pretty big hole in his hand and it resembled the bagel I ate this morning.

"The bear cub, she just latched on and wouldn't let go." His wife said. "And then-and then when Scott came over and tried to help, the mother she..." She trailed off. "Oh God I can't believe we got out of there, alive." She looked like she was in shock.

Lizzie Grey M.D.Where stories live. Discover now