♡14•Crash and Burn•14♡

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3 weeks later, Meredith and Lexie still hadn't made up. A week after the incident, Meredith apologized to me. She actually said the words, "I'm sorry." and even brought me cookies. I hung out with Meredith every now and then and even Cristina started to hate me less. 

As Lexie and I were walking to Dr. Sloan's meeting, Alex started catching up to us. "Hey."

Lexie rolled her eyes and put one of her arms protectively around me. "I'm late for Sloan's meeting."

"Yeah, so am I." He got closer to Lexie.

"Also, I'm not speaking to you, and neither is Lizzie." She held me tighter to her.

"Uh that's not true, hi Alex." I waved at him and he smiled back at me. He started to see me as his little sister ever since the incident.

As we walked by a supply closet, he grabbed Lexie by her lab coat and pulled her in. I waited patiently outside as Meredith walked by. "Late for Sloan." She took my hand and walked with me.

"What were you doing? We're late for Sloan's meeting?" She started walking faster.

"I was waiting for Lexie." I shrugged and started hopping because I almost lost my shoe.

"Yeah, well your sister was sucking faces with Karev." She rolled her eyes.

"Oh ew." I covered my ears. "I did not need to hear that." She rolled her eyes playfully at me. "Speaking of Lexie..." I trailed off.

"Nope. Absolutely not." Meredith and I turned a corner.

"Oh, come on. She's really sad. And she wants you to apologize to her so you two can move past this." We turned another corner.

"Nope. She gives me dagger eyes across the cafeteria and keeps bumping into me."

"She gives you puppy dog eyes. The same puppy dog eyes I gave you when I tried to get you to apologize to me. And she's bumping into you in the hopes that you will work up the nerve to apologize to her." 

"No. Those were dagger eyes. Yours were puppy dog eyes." We turned another corner.

"Where do you think I got them from? The longer you wait, the harder it'll be to apologize." I said as we entered the patient's room for Sloan's meeting.

"I'll take my chances." Meredith said as she pushed through the crowd of people surrounding the patient.

"Okay, ladies and gentlemen, this is Nick Hanscomb." Sloan said as we entered the room.

"Hi." Nick looked at us but didn't move much.

"Nick was lucky enough to have me remove a large carotid body tumor from his neck." He removed the dressing from Nick's neck. "The fact that I was able to get clean boundaries is pretty darn impressive, even for me. " He boasted with a smirk on his face.

"Congratulations." Alex said.

"Don't interrupt." Sloan glared at Alex. "Now, despite the fact that it was a wildly successful surgery, we had to dissect out deep lymph nodes in his neck. There is now only a delicate flap of skin between his carotid artery and the outside world." Nick looked terrified. "That said, what am I worried about?"

"I would think give the friability of his skin that there's a great possibility that the, um, that the artery could blow." Cristina said from behind me.

"Right." Sloan looked back to the patient.

"Oh, don't worry. I've-I've heard this before." He looked at Lexie. Oh my fates he has a crush on her and she's completely oblivious. I laughed quietly.

Lizzie Grey M.D.Where stories live. Discover now