♡24•Domino Surgery•24♡

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The next day, Lexie officially became a part of our friend group. She and Lena and Kara got drunk and Carter, Chris and I had sodas. We even had a group chat where we had our own nicknames. Lena was CEO 📈, Kara was Reporter 🌻, Lexie was Surgeon👩🏻‍⚕️ and I was, Child 🦋. I complained for hours about that but it finally grew on me.

Lexie and I headed to the Archfield for a quick shower and then she bought some balloons at the gift shop.

"Don't question it." She handed me the balloons because since she was the one driving, I was responsible for making sure the balloons wouldn't get popped. 

Once we got inside the hospital, I tied the balloons temporarily to a metal pole while I changed. When I got out, Lexie had bought a fruit basket and some chocolates too.

She ushered me to the residents locker room and when we got there, Alex, Cristina, Meredith and Izzie were staring at us weirdly.

"George is filling out paperwork, getting his real, live doctor wings so I thought now would be a good time to decorate his locker." She squeezed past Meredith and I just had the balloons in my hand and my phone in the other.

Child 🦋: Lexie's decorating George's locker.

CEO 📈: The one who doesn't know she exists?

Child 🦋: Mhm.

CEO 📈: Lexie, I have many rich and handsome businessmen I work with. I can set up a date.

Child 🦋: Can I have one too?

CEO 📈: No.

Reporter 🌻: No!

Child 🦋: It was worth a shot.

I put my phone back in my pocket and noticed that Cristina had Lexie's coffee now.

"I don't even want the credit, but the clinical trial was my idea and I had to beg him to do it more than once." Apparently, Derek and Mer's clinical trial was published but Meredith wasn't even mentioned. Lexie put up a sticker that said, 'Congratulations George' on his locker and I made no comment whatsoever.

"It's okay you want the credit. I would want the credit." Izzie patted Meredith's hand.

"When you screw the attendings, you get screwed." Cristina added.

"Interns. You can screw interns." She noticed the awkward silence in the room. "I mean date. Residents could date interns cause we're nonthreatening. I read this study once that said interns hardly ever file sexual harassment claims because we feel so weak and powerless in the hospital environment so that's good."

"She doesn't speak for me. I'm 13 but I do know how to use a scalpel." Meredith gave me an approving smile and Izzie laughed.

"Interns. The other white meat." Alex joked. Lexie went back to decorating George's locker and we left as soon as possible.

But our pagers beeped 2 minutes later and we all followed Dr. Bailey down a flight of stairs.

"Where are we going?" Izzie asked.

"You'll see when we get there." Dr. Bailey replied.

"Dr. Bailey, I'm actually on Dr. Sloan's service today." Cristina raised her hand.

"Everyone's off their services today. You're all with me." Dr. Bailey rolled her eyes and George joined us.

"Where are we going?" George asked but followed us anyways.

"You'll see when we get there." Dr. Bailey, Meredith, Cristina, Izzie, Lexie and I said simultaneously. 

"Hey did you see your locker? I put a smelly candle in it so now your scrubs are gonna smell like cinnamon bun." Lexie said excitedly.

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