♡2•Meeting Meredith♡

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In the car, Lexie became nervous and started rambling like she always does. 

"What if I mess up? I dedicated 8 years of my life to becoming a surgeon Lizzie. What if I mess up a coffee order for an attending or oh my God." She paused for a second to grab my granola bar and take a bite out of it. "What if I kill a patient on my first day? I'll be known as 007."

"Ok, A. That's my granola bar." I grabbed my breakfast out of her hands and took a bite. "B, you are the most amazing surgeon in the world, you won't kill anyone and you won't be dubbed as 007. If anyone calls you that, grab the nearest scalpel and point it at them." I took another bite out of the bar. "Ooh do your crazy eyes that you use whenever I stay up past 4am! That'll work on them." I smile cheekily.

At that, Lexie smiles and relaxes into her seat. "You're right. I'm gonna be fine." She parked into one of the parking spots near the hospital entrance. 

She gulped nervously and looked at me.

"Oh my God are you gonna vomit?" I started looking in the back of the car for a bowl or a plastic bag.

"No, I'm not. I just..." She trailed off and looked at me with guilt in her eyes.

"Lex, what's going on?"

"Ok so our sister works here. Her name is Meredith Grey and I haven't met her yet. I only found out about her because dad was drunk and she was supposed to come to mom's funeral a few weeks ago but didn't show."

"Wait wh-" I didn't get to finish my sentence because Lexie looked down at her watch.

"Oh God I'm gonna be late!" She hurried to grab all her stuff. 

I looked down at my watch and saw it was only 5:45am. "You're 15 minutes early. You'll take 5 minutes to get to the intern room, 2 to change into your scrubs, 3 minutes obsessing over your hair, and 5 minutes socializing with the other interns. Breathe." I stroked her hair to calm her down and she relaxed again. 

"Thanks Lizzie." We got out of the car and started walking towards the hospital. "Ok so I'll meet you in the cafeteria at noon for lunch and until then, don't make any trouble." She kissed the top of my head and waved goodbye. I didn't even have the chance to ask her about Meredith Grey.

I waved goodbye in return and started making my way to the cafeteria. As the elevator doors opened, I saw Chief Webber and stepped inside.

"Lizzie Grey, what are you doing here?" He smiled at me. A few weeks ago, I was brought in for the attendings to assess whether or not I could work here. They all decided that it would be best for me to wait a year so I would be a little more mature.

"Hi Chief! It's Lexie's first day and I wanted to come and offer moral support. I'm on my way to the cafeteria right now." 

"Oh well if you need anything at all, page me." As he finished his sentence, the elevator doors opened. "It was nice seeing you Lizzie."

"You too, Chief." I waved goodbye and headed to the cafeteria. I picked a random table in the middle and brought out a medical book. 

I haven't read this book yet but I have read the other books that this doctor has written. Like Lexie, I have photographic memory and remember everything, the good and the bad.

By the time I finished reading the book, it was noon. I looked around but Lexie wasn't here yet so I grabbed a banana and a suture kit and practiced my running whip stitch. I was halfway through the stitch when a doctor with curly black hair and brown eyes looked at me.

"Go get your own table." She said and sat down in the chair next to me.

The blonde next to her, chastised her. "Cristina! I'm sorry about her." She smiled at me.

"No it's ok. I didn't know this was your table. Sorry." I used my innocent girl eyes on her so I could stay here. I really didn't feel like moving.

"Is that a running whip stitch? You're still a kid. Shouldn't you be watching Camp Rock or something?" A man next to me sat down and stole some fries from the blonde's tray.

"I'm 13. I'm not a child and I got bored. My sister isn't here yet and I had a suture kit." I shrugged and continued working on the banana.

"Hey Mer, how's the girl with no arm?" Cristina asked.

"She'll be fine. It was a clean cut so we're reattaching it later." Mer answered as she ate her burger.

Another blonde sat down and took fries from Mer's plate. "I'm operating on Bambi. A literal deer." She rolled her eyes and then saw me.

"Oh I'm sorry. I'm Izzie Stevens. Who are you?" She shook my hand.

"Oh I'm Lizzie Grey." I smiled politely at her. Once I said that, the four doctors looked at me with crazy eyes.

"Grey? As in Lexie Grey?" Mer asked. 

"Yeah she's my sister." I smiled politely. "Why did she do something wrong? Did she freak out and vomit?" I started to worry.

"No. Three's fine." Cristina bit into a burger. "A little annoying, but fine." 

I tilted my head slightly and went back to working on the banana.

"Hey what's a 13-year old doing at the hospital anyway?" Cristina asked. "And how do you know how to do a running whip stitch?"

"I graduated med school a few weeks ago, I should know how to do a running whip stitch by now. What kind of student would I be if I didn't?" I answered while still suturing the banana.

"You graduated med school? Where?" Mer asked me.

"Harvard. I graduated high school when I was 9, college when I was 11, and med school just a few weeks ago." 

"Look at that Mer, she's even smarter than you." Cristina laughed.

"Oh shut up." Mer said while biting into a burger.

"Hey Lizzie, sorry I'm late, I had to get a CT for someone..." Lexie trailed off and looked at Mer.

"Meredith. Hi." Lexie waved.

"You're Meredith? I turned around and looked at her. "As in Meredith Grey?"

She nodded her head.

"Oh my God I'm so sorry." I started packing up my sutured banana and the kit as well. "I swear I had no idea who you were." I placed my book in my bag. "I'll never bother you again." I zipped up my bag. "It was nice meeting you all. Uh. Bye." 

I placed the bag on my shoulder, turned around, grabbed Lexie's hand and headed towards her table in the cafeteria, only a few feet away from my half-sister's table.

Lizzie Grey M.D.Where stories live. Discover now