♡23•How I Met Your Mother•23♡

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I showed up for work a week later, kinda tired and wearing yesterday's clothes. Jake and Amy left 3 days ago since their 4-day vacation was over but almost every night has been spent at Carter's house with his family. Until Lena came out, she and Jake hated each other but when she found Kara, everything changed and they were able to peacefully coexist. 

Lena and Kara have been helping me a little with my bulimia and I don't vomit after every meal anymore. They love having me over and we watch a lot of movies and TV Shows. Last night, we binge-watched the entire first season of How I Met Your Mother. Thus, we slept at 4am and now it was 8am.

"You haven't read any of it?" Cristina asked Meredith.

"No, what if I'm in it?" Meredith shivered. She was talking about her mother's journal that Derek found while he was moving in. "I don't wanna hear what she thought of me. I've heard enough of that already."

"What's worse, if you're in it or if you're not in it?" Cristina asked while charting.

"I don't know." Meredith slammed down some papers. "But I mean, see, why is he in the study, rooting around in closets, trying to dig up my mother's ghost?" She rolled her eyes.

"I think cause you invited him." I stifled a laugh which quickly turned into a yawn. Lexie hit me lightly when she saw the Chief approaching.

"How much sleep did you get last night?" She whispered to me.

"Three. Lena, Kara and Carter wanted to watch a whole season of How I Met Your Mother." I shook my head to try to keep me awake.

"Apparently, some people thought I was kidding last week when I announced that nobody was going to get to hang out on their favorite specialty anymore. I wasn't." He looked at each and every one of us. "Junior residents don't specialize. So all the requests to send you back to that place where your true heart lives can end now. Dr. Bailey makes the assignments. Do not, and I repeat, do not harangue her."

Chief Webber walked away and all chatter resumed.

"At least you have friends now even if they're a lot older than you." She ruffled my hair.

"Kara's 25 and Lena's 30. I'm totally fine and my life is great." I walked over to Meredith who was talking to Cristina.

"I'm 13 and 3/4 now can I please have some coffee?" I begged her.

"Absolutely not. You are staying innocent and sweet and coffee will ruin you." She patted my head and drank her coffee in front of me.

"I can still be sweet and innocent. I won't be if I only get 3 hours of sleep and no coffee." I tried to reason with her.

"No." Meredith and Cristina turned around and I went back to Lexie. 

"Didn't go so well, did it now?" Lexie teased and I made a strange sound before closing my eyes for a few seconds to try to convince my brain I got 8 hours of sleep. Lexie walked over to George so I followed.

"Hey. You passed. The three of us are gonna go to Joe's tonight and we're gonna celebrate. I'm gonna buy you a beer and all the peanuts you can eat." Lexie tried to comfort George.

"What if I didn't pass?" He looked really sad. I would be too.

"Well, then I'm still buying you a beer. Beer for losers." She put her hand on his shoulder and one on mine and we went back to our residents.

"Grey, you're on cardio with Hahn today. Stevens and Karev, the pit-" Dr. Bailey was interrupted by Izzie and Alex.

"Oh come on." He complained.

Lizzie Grey M.D.Where stories live. Discover now