♡ 1•First Day ♡

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I was not at all prepared for what I would experience today.

My alarm woke me up at 5am. At first, I couldn't remember why I set an alarm but when I looked at the date, I got up from my bed and took a shower.

Once I was done, I put on a purple shirt and a pair of jeans. I brushed my hair and fixed it in the mirror. In the mirror's reflection, I could see the wall full of awards and pictures behind me.

I smiled a little at the memory of being the first female to graduate medical school at 13 years old. A few weeks ago, I graduated Harvard class of 2007, along with my 24-year old sister Lexie.

In the picture, my father, Thatcher Grey was not drunk. My mother, Susan Grey was not dead. My sister, Molly pretended to be proud of me and my sister Lexie, was smiling like everything was right in the world.

Of course, fate had to mess up our lives. Lexie smiles but it wasn't as bright as it was before. I miss her smiles and her hugs.

I put my hair into a side braid and grabbed my backpack with bananas, suture kits and some other stuff.

I walked out of my bedroom and knocked on Lexie's door quietly. If I was too loud, I would wake my dad up and be on the other side of his wrath.

Lexie opened the door and smiled brightly. "Lizzie what are you doing up? It's 5:30am. You're a night owl not an early bird." She closed her door quietly and walked down the stairs with me.

"I'm not staying here for 2 days straight with dad, Lex. I'm coming with you! I brought some overnight stuff and a little bit of money so I can sleep in an on-call room." I showed her my backpack and put on my best, "I'm your innocent sister, please take me with you" look.

At that, Lexie's smile dimmed a little. "Liz, we discussed this. You have to stay here with dad while I'm at work."

"The last time you left me here alone with dad, he threw a vase at my head. You're lucky I know how to suture myself or I would have a big ugly scar on my head." I moved my hands around to emphasize my point. "Please take me with you, Lexie." I begged her.

She looked at me for a bit and she had that look on her face when she knew she was making a mistake. "Fine. Grab an energy bar and let's go."

"Yes!" I shouted quietly so dad wouldn't wake up. We got into Lexie's car she got for graduation and headed towards the direction of Seattle Grace Hospital.

I'm not over Lexie's death so I'm making a fanfiction to help with my mental stability. Yay!

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