Chapter Thirty Six

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"Kitten, how are you feeling?" Katsuki asked, his voice gravelly as he looked at his energy depleted mate.

"T-tired." Izuku panted, his body sore. The two had managed to take about an hour rest before Katsuki's rut had started up again. "A-and I don't know..."

"Are you scared?" Katsuki searched Izuku's face for any discomfort. "You have distress pheromones all around you."

"I wouldn't say scared.." Izuku voice trailed off. "Just.. I didn't know it would be so intense to spend a rut with an Alpha.."

Katsuki lowered his eyes, moving away from Izuku. "I'm sorry—"

"I knew you were going to say that. Kacchan, please listen," Izuku rolled over to his side, grimacing from the soreness in his body. "It was my choice to spend it with you. I-I wanted to. It was just a shocker is all. I promise." Izuku cupped Katsuki face and kissed his nose. "I love you."

"Hn. I fucking love you too." Katsuki smiled fondly, his eyes closing. "I'm gonna sleep more."

Izuku nodded hazily, before allowing sleep to consume him as well.
"Are you gonna wear a dress? Or a suit? A maybe a combination of both?" Ochaco asked, going through her planner, as Izuku sat there confused.

"Uh..." Izuku's voice trailed off.

"Is there a theme?" Kaminari joined in, his eyes sparkling.

"Oh, kero. Isn't Bakugo's parents designers? Would they make you something to wear? A custom design." Tsuyu smiled, as rocked Ace to sleep. Maya was sleeping next to them, the twins sleep in there playpen.

"Wait, wait, wait." Izuku threw up his hands in defeat, his shoulder slumped. "My brain is literally gonna combust. Woah."

"Er— sorry." They all bashfully said.

"I haven't spoken to his parents yet. It's too sudden, and honestly it might be selfish for me to ask." Izuku bit his lip nervously.

"Selfish?" Ochaco pursed her lips. "How is it selfish?"

"Well... I don't think it's right to have Kacchan's parents to make something like that. He might want to ask his parents or something. I-I don't know."

"Hm. I get it. Don't stress it, though." Kaminari smiled, just as the door was opened, and the other walked in.

Katsuki held Kizuki in his car seat, as Mina, Kirishima and Sero walked in.  "How was the appointment?" Izuku asked, as he walked up to Katsuki and gave him a kiss. He grabbed the car seat from his mate, giving his son a kiss as well.

"He's good. Next appointment will be for his shots. So, I might need you on that one, to calm him down." Katsuki huffed, sitting on the couch, greeting the others with a simple head nod.

"I would've gone to this one, ya know."


"Hey, Bakugo." Kaminari started, gaining the blonde Alphas attention. "Random question, but are you buying a suit? For you guys wedding?"

"I'm probably gonna make one. Might as well. Which fucking reminds me," He turned to Izuku. "The old hag wants to meet with you to take your measurements. She wants to make your outfit."

"That was easy." Ochaco whispered, the other Omegas agreeing with her.

"Wha- I can't ask her to do that!" Izuku smiled. "It's sweet though."

"Yeah well, I don't think she's gonna take no for an answer." Katsuki smirked at Izuku opened his mouth to rebuttal, but sank in defeat.

"Fine." Izuku mumbled, and before anyone said anything else, Maya sat awake, her eyes wide with tears.

"Hey, hey." Ochaco immediately, went to hold hee shaking daughter. "What's wrong, baby? Bad dream?"

Maya nodded, and she wouldn't take her eyes of Izuku. "I-Izu..."

Izuku became alert, he spoke in a gentle voice. "Yes?"

"A-are you gonna die?"

The question made everyone freeze, the air around them becoming tense. "What makes you think I'm gonna die?"

Ochaco began to release calming pheromones, the little Alpha beginning to relax. Her leg was the only thing bouncing, as she held on to her mothers hand. The twins began to stir and Kirishima and Kaminari tended to them.

"Y-you never woke up." Her eyes lowered, and her eyes watered again. "A-and I don't w-want you to die!"


"A-Ace and I kept.. kept asking you to wake up, and y-you didn't! Y-you were just l-laying in the bed, a-and not moving—"

Izuku managed to get up and hug Maya, pulling her into a tight hug. His hand in her brown messy bed head, as she clung to him like a koala. Ochaco moved, to allow them to have more space, while the others had just watched the scene unfold.

"I'm sorry, sweetie." He pulled away, wiping her tears. "You don't have to worry about that, okay? His voice was soft and tender, as emerald clashed against emerald. "I won't die."

"P-promise?" Maya held up her hand and extended her pinky, her body still shaking.

Izuku locked his pinky with hers. "Of course I promise." He stood up, Maya wrapping her legs around his waist. The action caused Izuku to smile at the girl. "Let's you get cleaned up okay?" The two headed off to the bathroom, not before Izuku shot Mina and Ochaco a reassuring nod.

"I've never seen her like that." Mina muttered, her hand rubbing on Ace's back soothingly.

"Yeah." Ochaco agreed, sighing. "She never really.. I guess registered all that happened with Izuku? Or maybe she did? I'm not sure honestly."

"It's okay to be uncertain." Sero chimed in. "As long as she's okay and gets the support she needs, you know?"

As Ochaco and Mina agreed, Kaminari turned the to the black haired Beta. "Hey, man."

Sero squinted his eyes. "What do you want?

"You looking to date?" Kaminari asked bluntly, the question causing Sero to freeze. "If you're ready of course."

Kirishima and Katsuki exchanged a look, as did Mina and Ochaco. The only one who didn't seem to understand was Tsuyu.

"Am I.." Sero looked to the ground before laughing nervously. "I-I don't know. Maybe soon."

"I-I didn't mean to put you on the spot, man. I just..." Kaminari sighed. "Anyone would be happy to call you a partner. But.. I also know you loved Aoyama a lot. And you miss him so much."

"I get it..." Sero sighed, his eyes lowered. "I miss him. A lot. But uh... I don't think he'd want me to stay sad. Or shit like that." He gulped, his eyes now back on Kaminari, slightly glossy from tears. "I do miss him. But... I want to be happy again. And have a mate. And a future with them."

Kirishima wrapped his arm around Sero, pulling him into a tight hug. "It's okay, man. Let it out."

Sero buried his head into Kirishima's chest to avoid everyone else seeing him cry. He eventually pulled away, quickly wiping his eyes. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cry. I just.. I don't really talk about him. But I... I might be ready to date again. Just..yeah."

Izuku walked back, Maya holding his hand. Maya sniffled a bit, but overall seemed okay.

"Everything okay?" Izuku asked, his head tilted to the side.

"Yeah... everything will be."

To Be Continued
1211 Words

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