Chapter Nineteen

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"Izuku!" Ochako called out as she hugged the pregnant Omega, since Katsuki had left. It's been a few weeks since the two have seen each other and they've missed each other greatly. "How are you feeling, sweetie?" She knew he was pretty much bedridden, and that why she didn't mind that Katsuki had called her over.

"In pain. I'm in so much pain, Ocha. I don't know what to do..." Izuku began to sob, his emerald eyes full of hurt and remorse. "My baby... I'm scared my baby isn't okay."

"I'm sure your baby is doing great. Have you talked to Katsuki? He needs to know if you're feeling like this."

"I don't want to bother-"

"You're never bothering anyone, Izuku. We've been telling you this for so long. You're never a bother."

"Izu! Izu, what you need from me?" Maya asked, running into the room. She was originally with Sero , since he had the twins and she wanted to help, but eventually she begged him to take her to Izuku's because she wanted to help the pregnant Omega. Ever since she heard her mothers talking about Izuku's pregnancy, she's been trying to take care of him. It was simply another sign that she was an Alpha, seeing as though Alphas typically take care of Omegas out of instincts.

"I'm okay, sweetie. Just a water is fine." As Maya nodded happily, he looked at Ochako bashfully. "I have to pee, can you please let me go and not —"

"I can take you!" Ochako chirped, looping their arms together. Katsuki instructed if anyone was with Izuku, that helped him with anything. It was kind of dreadful for Izuku, but he couldn't find it in him to tell anyone no.

After the nap, he felt okay. The medication turns out, constantly made him tired. He called the doctor himself while Katsuki was out talking with his parents about the job. The medication also was responsible for the constant desire to have sex, and much to Izuku's embarrassment, he asked the doctor if it was alright to at least do that, to which the doctor said it was.

After all, Omegas typically had a high-sex drive, not higher than an Alpha of course, but the drive only got intenser during pregnancy. That applies for female and male Omegas. Just as long as the mates were gentle and mindful, it was alright.

After Izuku had help walking to the bathroom, even though he didn't need it, he asked if the two could go for a walk. He felt tired being restricted to the bed, and it would only be up and down the block.

"If you hold my hand, then yes." She put her hand out, and Izuku instantly could see how she was a mother. She held a tenderness yet firmness when speaking. He hoped to be like her.

"Yes, Mother." The two laced their fingers, as Maya walked in front of them, the breeze feeling delicate on Izuku's pale skin. The cloudy sky covering the beautiful sun. During the fall, Izuku loved being outside. It was rather peaceful, and seemingly called out his name, even though he was a summer baby.

"You okay?" Ochako asked, wanting to make sure the pregnant Omega wasn't overexerting himself.

"Yes, I'm good. Just taking in the scenery. You know how much I love these kind of things." The two made small talk over what new outfits to get since the season change, and how each other had been. While the two constantly spoke over the phone, they liked speaking about they're personal problems in person. It was just easier for each other to convey what exactly the other person was feeling.

The two sat down on a bus stop seat, watching as Maya jumped over stones and played with ants crawling around, and continued their conversation. Ochako was explaining how although Maya was a great kid, she's been finally hitting that transition of "Terrible-Twos", even though she was going to be three next week. And also how she's been behind with simple task, and her mother's had taken her to the doctor only for them to find out she has slight autism.

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