Chapter Sixteen

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"How is he?" Izuku asked Katsuki as they walked back to the car. Kirishima Kaminari had been staying at Katsuki's house so Katsuki and Izuku could watch over the girls while they had their check-ups with the doctor. It had been a few weeks since the first time Kaminari passed out from exhaustion, and everyone was doing all the could to help.

"Should be good. Shitty hair says their almost done and should be on their way home soon." Katsuki said as he held the car seat. He didn't mind holding the heavy thing, because Izuku insisted on feeding and changing and burping the twins. His motherly instincts were going crazy. Apparently, when Maya was born, according to Mina and Ochako, he did the same thing.

The two had just finished buying extra diapers and bottles for the baby. They even bought extra baby formula, but that was a backup option in case Kaminari couldn't fed them naturally.

Once the girls were strapped in the car safely, the two drove back home, making small talk along the way. "Sero said they're done. He wants to take them out for dinner. Do you mind?"

"Not at all. Tell him to make sure Kaminari eats all his damn food." Izuku nodded and began texting back, before swatting Katsuki's arm. "Hm? What is it?"

"P..pull over.." Izuku whimpered, the action making Katsuki worry immensely. He pulled over next to a curb, and before he could ask what happened, Izuku yanked the door open and crawled away. He only managed to make it a few feet away before throwing up.

"Kitten?!" Katsuki jumped out the car, and ran to his side. His eyes darting between the car and Izuku. He rubbed Izuku's back, as Izuku finished throwing up. "Hey, baby. What's wrong?"

Izuku wiped his mouth with the backside of his hand. "N-nothing. Let's go home."

"It's not fucking nothing. No one throws up if it was nothing." Katsuki helped Izuku up to his feet, as he stumbled. "Baby, let's go to the doctor."

"No!" Izuku shouted, pushing Katsuki away. "I-I'm fine. Really. We have the girls, anyways. Let's just go home." He slowly walked back to the car, ignoring Katsuki's pleas to go.

Unbeknownst to Izuku, Katsuki texted Mina begging them to come over. His mate wasn't good. It was driving him wild, not knowing what was wrong. 

The drive home was dead silent. Izuku trying to keep the rest of his lunch from coming up once more, and Katsuki frowning as worry began eating at him.

"Izuku, please—"

"No, Katsuki. I'm fine. Don't worry about it. Maybe ate something bad." Katsuki stood there stunned, as Izuku stormed out the car, grabbing the shopping bags and the baby bag with him. His brow furrowed, as he struggled to open the door before dropping the bags.

He fell to his knees, his head spinning.
His stomach churned, as bile tickled the base of his throat.

"Kitten?" Katsuki's voice sounded far away, as he walked into their house. His voice hinted annoyance, as he searched for his Omega. "Izuku?!" He quickly jogged towards the house, while holding the carseat that was holding the twins.

His heart beat rapidly as he watched Izuku throw up on the floor once more, tears running down his freckled cheeks. "Baby, baby hey.. we're going now okay?" He led Izuku to the couch, before making it a quick task to change the twins diapers. He called Mina and put her on speaker as he made extra bottles to have while in the hospital.

"Hey, Bakubabe—"

"Mina, where the hell are you?!" Katsuki didn't mean to snap at the girl. He knew she was coming, regardless, but seeing his mate sick like this made the Alpha in him sick with worry.

"I'm about ten minutes away. I know you have to go, but I can't rush the—"

Izuku gasped, holding his stomach as an indescribable pain began. "K-Kacchan!" Izuku sobbed, falling to the ground. "I-it hurts! Why does it h-hurt so badly?!" Izuku face was nothing but pain, as a cry of pain left his lips. The twins began to stir, and Katsuki felt his world shaking.

"Izuku's in pain. I-I don't know why!? He needs to go to the doctor—"

Suddenly, a thud was heard, and Katsuki saw Izuku laying on his side. His eyes closed, as spasms ran through his body. "Baby?!" Katsuki held Izuku to his chest, checking for a pulse. His pulse was a little faster then regular, but other than that seemed fine.

"Shit shit shit!" Mina cursed from the other side of the line. "Call an ambulance, I'll meet you there."

"You're here for Izuku Midoriya?" The doctor asked, as Katsuki and Mina sat in the waiting room. They each held a baby, feeding them as a silence covered them. They were both horribly worried.

"Yes. Is he okay?" Mina asked, her voice shaking slightly.

"Are you his mate?" The doctor asked, peering through his glasses, unamused.

"I am. This is his sister." Katsuki answered as he stood up with Anita. "Is he fucking okay?" He asked the doctor, anger beginning to seep through his voice.

"Both of you come with me." The doctor didn't answer, as the two placed the girls back in their carseats.

"He's stable. I'm surprised. With his current state, he'll be lucky to even pull through—"

"What do you fucking mean?!" Katsuki growled, reaching out to harm the doctor.

"Your Omega seems to be pregnant. But.. his womb is failing. He seems to have had an abortion before, but that shouldn't have had affected him. He had a disease, that's eating away his womb."

Mina gasped, looking at Katsuki with fear, as Katsuki couldn't wrap his head around it.

Izuku, pregnant? That was great news. Although it's been almost a year, the two wasn't expecting to start a family this early. But Katsuki was more than happy to do it.

But he's gotten pregnant before. And has had an abortion because of it. Sometimes, Katsuki had forgotten that Izuku was with another person before mating with him. But when Katsuki and Izuku spoke about a future with children together, Izuku was more than ecstatic to have children. So why would he have gotten an abortion? Would he have ever told Katsuki?

A disease? A disease that was damaging and inflicting pain on Izuku. Katsuki couldn't understand. Katsuki looked at the doctor before muttering out: "You're lying." He couldn't seem to understand what was happening. A lot was happening at once.

"I'm afraid not, sir. Here." The doctor showed an X-Ray of Izuku's stomach and pointed to an area of what Katsuki assumed to be his stomach. "This is where his womb is. This is the outer layer that is sort of the protection from everything in the body for the baby. This area right here," His finger pointed to a small section in the lower right region. "Is torn. The nerves and muscles are barely holding it together."

He looked at Katsuki with a solemn look. "When was Mr. Midoriya's last heat?"

"A-about two or three weeks ago?" Katsuki stuttered, as Mina grabbed the carseat from him. Katsuki stared at the X-Ray intensely. "W-what do we fucking do?"

"Well..." The doctor opened the door to Izuku's room and let the pair in. "You two could choose to have an abortion. To avoid anymore harm or stress on the womb. Or you guys can keep the child. But it will be risky. But that is a conversation you need to have with Mr. Midoriya."

Katsuki nodded as the doctor excused himself and began walking away. "H-his abortion. The previous one—"

"Our records indicate he's had about three." The doctor stated taking Mina and Katsuki by surprise. "Two we're within a years time and one while he was younger. I can't disclose anymore information, seeing as I disclosed too much as is. I'm not sure if it was he was aware of the ailment, or other reason. But it was done before."

The doctor left, leaving a sorrowful Katsuki and Mina. "Bakugo.."

Katsuki looked at Mina with sad eyes. "What am I supposed to do?" His voice cracked. "I can't lose my mate. He's all I ever wanted. He's all I ever fucking needed."

To Be Continued
1400 Words.

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