Chapter Twenty-Three: Caravan Of Fools

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Izuku POV

We spent the night at uncle Eren's place and Eri, Poka, and Izumi seemed to get along very well. It was soon that I jokingly learned Dabi and I were outnumbered by the girls but something else caught my attention and my gut senses I had received my newly repaired jacket and felt whole again.

While everyone was hanging out with each other, I felt I needed to see dad. I let Dabi know that I was going to check on dad and he gave me a betrayed expression as I stepped through the portal.

My eyes were met with what looked like a warzone and upon a hill was my father. He held up a limp All Might as he barked a warning. His words struck my soul, feeling as though my blood was chilled and I'd never felt so afraid of him before. The sleeves of his jacket, which he always wore, was covered in blood.

He dropped All Might and I was so torn on whether I should say something or try and slip away unnoticed.

Izuku: Dad?

Those eyes... The same pair which showed me love and comfort were so filled with hatred which turned into a shocked worry as they were met with mine.

Jin: Z- Zuke...

I was so afraid of the man that stood before me... I'd seen him angry before but never like this... Without knowing it, I had run through a portal just to get away, anywhere but here.

Jin: Zuke, hold on...!-

I hadn't bothered listening and before I knew it, I was hyperventilating and rocking myself just to calm down near a fence post. It took a few seconds before I was able to make out an unfamiliar voice with a heavy western American accent.

???: Are you alright there, friend? You don't look like you're doin' so good.

I looked up and was met with the soft blue eyes of a man wearing a black cowboy hat leaning on the fence post behind me.

I looked up and was met with the soft blue eyes of a man wearing a black cowboy hat leaning on the fence post behind me

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Izuku: I... I'm not sure what to do...

???: Hell... I get what you mean. Like the world's on your shoulders and you don't know how to shed the weight, right?

I nodded.

???: What's got you feelin' this way?... If you don't mind me askin'...?

I hesitated but felt as though I could trust in this man.

Izuku: I've always felt safe around my dad, but for the first time... I was afraid of him...

???: Ah, fatherly issues... Yeah, mine was uh... a real piece of work to say the least... Has he done anything to hurt you in any way?

I shook my head.

???: Well, if that's the case, I'm sure he didn't mean to do you any wrong. Try talking to him. I'm sure things'll clear up after a nice little chat.

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