Chapter Ten: A New Addition To The Family

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Izuku returned home to get his two days off and went to the roof. He was caught off guard when a portal opened and Jin stepped through it carrying a sleeping girl wrapped in bandages, but he was covered head to toe in blood.

Jin: Zuke, help me out.

Izuku: Are you okay?

Jin: Shh... not so loud. She's sleeping. I'm fine, I promise.

Jin handed Izuku the young child and pulled out his phone to call someone.

Jin: Hey, Nemuri... Yeah I'm doing okay... Listen, I need a favor... I need you to come over-... No it's not like that, I have a situation and you're the first person I could think of to ask... Yeah, I was planning on telling Nezu but... this is serious... Alright thanks, see you soon.

Jin hung up and looked at Izuku.

Izuku: Who was that, dad?

Jin: An old friend who'll be here soon. By the way, I'm proud of you. You kicked- butt today.

Jin censored his words as the child began to move.

Izuku: Who is she?

Jin: Her name is Eri. She was being held captive as some experiment, so I saved her.

Izuku: She's... pretty cute.

Jin: I know right?

Jin looked down at his clothes which were stained in blood.

Jin: I'm... gonna get cleaned up. Watch after her please?

Izuku nodded and followed his father downstairs. Izuku sat down holding Eri and after a while Jin returned in clean clothes as a knock originated from the door. Izuku noticed how extra cautious Jin was and opened the door to reveal Lady Midnight in civilian clothing.

Midnight: Long time-

Jin: Shh... the girl's sleeping.

Jin smiled and hugged Lady Midnight. Izuku was astounded to see that his father knew Lady Midnight as if she were an old friend.

Izuku: Dad? How do you know Lady Midnight?

Jin: Oh, Nemuri is an old friend from High school.

Nemuri: You're the kid who won first place... I should've known you were Jin's son.

Jin: Back to the reason you're here, I figured that Eri would need a... womanly figure of sorts to help get her clean.

Nemuri gave a smug smile to Jin.

Nemuri: Oh, I get it. Still afraid of the female body huh?

Jin tensed up in a dramatically offended pose.

Jin: I am not! I am a gentleman and an advocate for gender equality, is all!

Izuku: Uh guys?-

Nemuri began getting uncomfortably closer to Jin.

Nemuri: An advocate for gender equality you say? So what does that mean about your... preferences? As you know, I'm still on the market, Jin... are you?

Izuku: Guys?

Jin: Everyone is entitled to their own preferences... What are you getting at Nemuri?

Izuku: Guys!

Jin and Nemuri looked over to see that Eri was awake. She looked scared and shook on Izuku's lap.

Jin: Hi-

Nemuri pushed past Jin.


Nemuri picked up Eri and she was surprisingly less scared.

Son of the Riderजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें