Chapter Seventeen: Home Away From Home

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The class followed Aizawa into the dorm while Dabi and Jin went to Dabi's dormitory. Jin had talked with Nezu, to enroll Dabi back into UA and after a long conversation, he managed to convince the Rat God.

Aizawa continued giving a brief tour of the first floor, explaining to the pervert about the baths and how they are separated.

Shouta: Living quarters start on the next floor. Everyone gets their own room, you should be comfortable.

He noted that each room had basic necessities as well as how they were assigned.

Shouta: These are your dorm assignments, the belongings you sent ahead have already been placed in your new rooms so spend the day unpacking and getting settled. I'll tell you more about your next few lessons tomorrow. Get to work.

Class: Yes Mr. Aizawa!

Izuku was placed on the top floor for the dormitory in the last available room. He packed most of his things including his guitars, clothes and other personal items. Considering he gained skills from his father, he was able to input shelves, wall hangers for a few of his guitars, and other miscellaneous items for his room.

His room was neatly put together, allowing flow and being less cramped than the others.

He agreed to join in the room contest that Mina and the other girls had proposed.

He followed the others room to room as they gazed at each one but then they reached Izumi's room.

While everyone was giving their thoughts and opinions, Izuku walked over to Izumi's desk and noticed the single picture frame that sat upon it. He stared at the photo in the frame because it was taken before Izuku was diagnosed as quirkless.

He smiled softly as remembered the good of his past but it it quickly faded as his mind wandered past the good memories and into darker corners that held the trauma he endured.

He was shaken back to his senses by Izumi who looked a bit concerned while everyone else already moved onto the next room.

Izumi: Hey, are you oka-

Izuku cut her off with a sharp and aggressive tone.

Izuku: I'm fine...

Izumi's shocked face made Izuku realize how he just acted towards her.

Izuku: Sorry... I'm okay.

Before she could even say anything else, he walked out of the room with his mind still racing on the thoughts of his past and instead of joining the others, he went to the common area instead and poured himself a glass of water.

???: 'I'm sorry Zuke... Something's-'

He felt Jin's Rider being forcibly separated from his very soul.

His heart was racing, he began to lose control of his breathing, and he was sweating profusely. He downed the glass of water but it didn't help so he rushed outside as flashes of his previous rider's spirit form of young Izuku began flickering in his head. Once he was outside he collapsed to his knees.

Laughter that could only be described as something far beyond human began escaping his lips, only it wasn't by Izuku's will.


Every time he saw the flashes, he saw his younger self slowly begin to cry blood before his eyes began turning into blood completely.

He began hyperventilating while his body felt as if it were losing control until someone grabbed his shoulder, and shook him out of his episode. Izuku looked up at the figure that grabbed him only to see his father.

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