Chapter Four: The Beginning of a New Journey

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Time passed as Izuku awaited for the results of his exam scores but he was fully confident that he'd passed. Soon enough Jin walked into the apartment where he found Izuku slumped lazily on the couch.

Jin: Okay, do you want the good news or the bad news?

Izuku's ears perked up and he immediately sat up straight at the familiar words.

Izuku: Err... Bad news.

Jin: Well... you'll be spending less time around me. *sniff*

Izuku: And the good news?!

Jin: This arrived...

Jin held out a letter with a wax seal with UA's insignia. Izuku rushed over and ripped the letter open to discover a projection pod.


The projection was cut short when Izuku smashed it with a wrench.

Izuku: Annoying...

Jin one arm hugged his son.

Jin: I was thinking the exact same thing.

Izuku read the letter which gave him info on the first day of class including which class he'd be placed in.

Izuku: Classes start... IN THREE DAYS?!

Jin took the paper and read it aggressively and suddenly stopped.

Jin: Who starts the school year on a Wednesday? Blah blah bla-...

Izuku: Dad? What is it?

Jin looked at Izuku with waterfall tears.

Jin: No fair... They're taking my baby for six days a week...

Izuku tapped his dad on the back.

Izuku: I'll be fine...

Jin: I know... it's just... I worked hard on that bike.

Izuku and Jin began chuckling.

The days felt like weeks as Izuku trained vigorously with his new found abilities. With determination Izuku's body had become well toned and muscular.

Jin had awoken to find that Izuku had already prepared just before sunrise and was wearing his uniform. Izuku had practically made it out the door until his dad stopped him.

Jin: Going somewhere without telling your old man goodbye?

Izuku smiled and rushed into his father's arms.

Izuku: Thanks for everything, dad.

Jin: *Sniff* My little baby, off to destroy people.

Izuku let go and put on his mask before waving to his father goodbye.

Izuku rode to UA and placed his bike in the designated parking area and made his way to classroom 1-A. He made it to a large wooden door marked with 1A. Izuku entered the room already to be met with the sounds of a commotion.

???: Take your feet off of that desk now!

Katsuki: Huh?

???:It's the first day and you're already disrespecting this academy by scuffing school property you cretin!

Izumi noticed the green haired rider as he entered the classroom.

Izumi: 'He looks like him... There's no possible way... right?'

Izuku ignored the rest of the room as they stared at him and made his way to his designated seat. To his dismay, he noticed some familiar faces in the room which made his blood boil.

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