Chapter Two: Family Doesn't Always Mean Blood

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Soon after Izuku went to sleep, Jin called a certain chimera about another certain missing child and explained what happened.

Jin: I understand what happened, Nezu but what I'm saying is... I can take care of him.

Nezu: Are you sure? I understand how Toya-

Jin: Dabi

Nezu: I understand how Dabi was neglected but this is All might's child!

Jin: His child? He should be in prison with the amount of injuries this kid had. The scars on his body shows how good of a parent the "number one" hero really is.

Nezu: Alright... I'll send over the required papers.

Jin: Remember. No one can know he survived. God only knows what they'd do to him once they learned of his survival.

Jin went to the roof and looked to the sky which stopped raining but still held dark clouds.

Jin: Look after him, please...

???: He holds a possible rider in him...

Jin: No... his soul is pure.

???: Even the purest souls can hold the greatest of evils...

Jin: Not him... He has good in him! I know it...

A few years later...

Izuku awoke from a nightmare from his days of bullying with Jin holding him. His bullying had given him PTSD which Jin had noticed and made an effort to ensure that he wouldn't be any harm to himself.

Jin: I gotchu kid... You're safe...

Izuku steadied his breathing and Jin let go.

Jin: Another nightmare Zuke?

"Zuke" had become Izuku's nickname that Jin would call Izuku. It would later be adopted as his given name to avoid any attention from... certain people.

Izuku: Yeah... Thank you.

Jin: No problem... It's almost time to get up anyway. Dabi's already up training so you can go join him while I make you guys breakfast.

Izuku smiled and gave Jin a nod.

Jin smiled back and left the room while Izuku changed into his training clothes and met Dabi on the roof.

Dabi: Oh you're awake. Ready to get started?

Izuku nodded and soon both Dabi and Izuku would train doing pushups, situps, and a lot of cardio before beginning combat training.

Izuku had excelled rapidly when it came to training, especially combat training as he quickly mastered most martial arts that Dabi could teach him.

After their training session Izuku collapsed onto his back.

Dabi: You good?

Izuku: Yeah... I feel amazing!

Izuku cheered as he got in a triumphant stance.

Dabi: Well breakfast should be ready in... 5...4-

Jin: Breakfast is ready!

Dabi: Wow, earlier than usual...

They joined Jin at the dinner table where he waited.

All in unison: Thanks for the food!

While they were eating Jin looked at Izuku.

Jin: So Zuke... the UA entrance exams are just a few months from now...

Izuku: What's the point...? How could a quirkless kid like me become a hero?

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