Chapter Seven: The USJ

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Izuku accompanied his father to Nezu's office where they found Toshinori waiting for them.

Nezu: Thank you for joining us Mr. Carter and young Carter.

Toshinori: Why are they here?!

Jin sat between Izuku and Toshinori.

Nezu: Now down to business... Mr. Yagi, we are implementing Mr. Carter into our staff for young Carter.

Toshinori: Why?

Nezu: He will be on standby in case young Carter has another episode like earlier today.


Jin: Don't be so stupid, Yagi. In a hero's line of work, death is a common occurrence to be expected. Besides, your daughter wasn't in any real danger.

Toshinori: What do you mean she wasn't in any real danger?!

Jin: Zuke isn't capable of killing... At least not yet.

Nezu: Please clarify.

Jin: Zuke, still has his soul and as I've seen it, holds no room for his heart to kill. The Rider on the other hand does, and I plan on teaching him to control it as well as being sure that he and his Rider will be able to think as one.

Nezu nodded and Toshinori had shock in his eyes.

Toshinori: You can't be serious about letting him continue in the hero course?! It's that kid's fault in the first place that Izumi could've died!

Jin: Actually, no it wasn't... In the early stages of the Rider's awakening, it feeds off of the guilt of others before it's harborer can summon it. You and your clown posse's guilt was so extreme, it summoned it.

Jin stood up and looked closer into Toshinori's eyes.

Jin: So what are you and your family so guilty about, Yagi?

Nezu: Okay Mr. Carter, I believe you've made your point.

Jin sat back down next to Izuku.

Toshinori: Are we done here?

Nezu: If we have an understanding, then yes.

Toshinori got up and left the room.

Jin: Sorry about that Nezu...

Nezu: You have nothing to apologize for Mr. Carter. The three of us in this room know just how truly terrible humans can be... But besides that, it is a pleasure to work with you sir Rider!

Jin: Likewise Nezu.

Jin and Izuku rode home and Izuku stopped his father before he closed the shop.

Izuku: Dad?

Jin: Yeah son?

Izuku: You and principal Nezu seem to know each other well. Why is that?

Jin: He was the principal while I attended UA. Why?


Jin: Yeah. He and I got along fairly well as we shared common interests. He was the one who helped me out of the whole hero business.

Izuku: Why did you stop being a hero?

Unbeknownst to Izuku, Dabi was listening in on the conversation from an upstairs window.

Jin: When I rescued Dabi, I saw that if I wanted to be the best father I could be for him... then I'd have to put my best and fullest attention towards him. Then fate brought you to me and I realized I chose correctly... Even today, I'd gladly make the same decision if it meant being there for you boys.

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