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"Hello, everyone," Trainer Jason entered the classroom. The classroom was large probably because the whole purpose of it was for physical combat. "As you know, for the past few weeks, you only learned a few basic fighting moves. Today, we are going to use this dummy right here," Trainer Jason pointed at a dummy, "I will be using this dummy to point out the weak spots of the human body in case you ever end up in hand to hand combat with anyone." 

"This area," Trainer Jason pointed out to the space below his Adam's Apple, "is quite sensitive. Although it cannot cause permanent pain to the opponent, it can cause a distraction, giving you the chance to take the upper hand in the fight."

"Your jaw and eyes are also weak spots through which you can harm your opponent. If you wish to trap your opponent-" Trainer Jason then randomly grabbed Tristan's wrist, forcefully turned him around and wrapped him in a very tight bear hug. Many of the students gasped. "Jason, I c-can't b-breathe..."Tristan tried to say between small breaths. "That's the whole point, Tristan. If you manage to keep your opponent locked like this for at least 30 seconds, your opponent will faint, allowing you to win the fight. This is called a body lock," Jason said as he let go of Tristan.

"I would appreciate it if you don't try your moves on us, Jason," Tristan requested, panting.
"I have to. Otherwise, how are you going to survive out in the real world? I am here to teach you how to fight. This isn't a game. When you fight, you will be injured. That is why I am going to teach you to feel less pain from an injury so you can last longer during a fight," Jason replied strictly. 

"Now, who would like to try the body lock on the dummy?" Jason asked as he looked from one student to another as if he was daring everyone to try. "I can give it a try," I heard a soft voice speak, breaking the silence. It was Juliet Monet, the shy and awkward girl. Of all people in the class, I did not expect Juliet to step up. She seemed like the type of person who preferred to stay low. 

Jason smiled approvingly and gave a nod to Juliet. He went behind the dummy and pressed a button. Right then, the dummy started moving and it balled its fists, standing in a fighting position. Juliet gulped anxiously. "Alright, Juliet. Go ahead and give it a try," Jason said as he moved aside. 

"Y-yeah, ok."

Juliet took a deep breath and looked at the dummy. Her usually soft and innocent eyes suddenly had a piercing glare of concentration. The dummy stepped forward to punch her but, to everyone's astonishment, the usually shy Juliet blocked the punch and grabbed the dummy's wrist. She turned the dummy around and trapped it in a very tight bear hug. The dummy tried to break free but was unsuccessful. "Wonderful!" Jason applauded. 

"Thanks, I've practised karate and other martial arts before," Juliet then went back to being her usual shy and quiet self. "Gosh, who knew a shy girl like her could do that? I am definitely not going to mess with her anytime," Delphine said, still surprised at Juliet's skill. 

"Me neither," Tristan agreed. 

"Now, who else wants to try?" Jason questioned all of us. 

Everyone formed a line in front of the dummy and tried the body lock. There were some who managed to do it. There were some who managed to trap the dummy but didn't manage to hold it for long before getting a punch from the dummy. There were also some who didn't manage it at all. 

I was one of those.

I approached the dummy when it was my turn. The dummy tried to aim a kick at my stomach but I managed to dodge. I grabbed the dummy's wrist but as I was about to trap it, it got hold of my other wrist and judo flipped me. "Ow..." I said, rubbing back after I fell to the ground. 

"That," Jason began, "is why you have to be quick with your moves. You never know when your opponent might try to harm you."
"Now, I'll be giving you all your own dummies to practise on for the next half hour. You can use some of the basic moves I taught you in your first week but your main goal is to trap the dummy in a body lock. Understood?"

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