The Feast

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I woke up fairly early the next morning. After I woke up, I freshened up and put on my Hogwarts robes. After I was done dressing, I headed to the small dressing table in my room and picked up the hairbrush that was on my table. I gently brushed through the tangles of my wavy dark brown mane. It took some time since I have waist-length hair. I tied my hair into a low ponytail with a green bow and left some front hair at the front to frame my face. I looked at myself in the mirror on the table. It was a pretty basic hairstyle, but it suited me. I went downstairs to see my father waiting in the living room. ' You're up quite early,' my father said. 

' I know, I guess I'm pretty excited about going to Hogwarts,' I replied. ' I'll go ahead and make breakfast.' I headed to the kitchen and made some chocolate crepes. I put them on two plates and headed to the living room. Father, got up and took a plate from my hand. ' Thank you for the breakfast, Alexandra,' he thanked me with a smile as he sat down on a chair. I sat on a chair across from him. ' Dad, when are going to Hogwarts?' I asked, wanting to know.

' We'll be going right after breakfast,' he answered.

' But the Feast isn't until 6 though. Why do you want to go so early?'

' Because,' my father explained,' Dumbledore has asked me to be extra early. We need to make sure the school is safe from all threats with that Sirius Black on the loose.

 I asked,' Is he a threat?'

'Honestly, Alexandra. Don't you read the Daily Prophet? Sirius Black is a mass murderer who escaped Azkaban. And you know what makes it even worse? No one, absolutely no one has escaped Azkaban before,' he told me. By the look on his face, he really hated Sirius Black.

' Isn't Sirius Black the boy who bullied you when you were still at Hogwarts?' I asked cautiously. Father was always sensitive about these topics. ' Yes, you're right,' he agreed,' he is the worst man I have ever met my entire life,' he said with a tone of disgust. ' Now, be quick. We need to get to Hogwarts!' It was obvious that he was trying hard to change the subject. I didn't want to push it, so as soon as I was done eating, I went back up to my room. I made sure my trunk was all packed and that I wasn't leaving anything. I grabbed my wand from the bedside table and pocketed it. I walked towards the new owl I had bought. ' I haven't named you yet, have I? Well... let me think of something...' I got lost in my thoughts for a few moments, trying to come up with a good name for my owl.  Which, by the way, is a female. ' I'll call you Sinatra!' I announced to my owl. Sinatra hooted happily. Apparently, she really liked the name. ' Alexandra, come downstairs! We need to go to Hogwarts!'

' I'm Coming!' I said in reply. I quickly grabbed my trunk and Sinatra's cage and headed to the living room. ' I'm here,' I said, announcing my arrival.

' Alright then. Come on,' my father said as he grabbed a handful of Floo Powder, stepped into the fireplace, and let the powder fall. He then said,' Hogwarts!' and within a moment he was engulfed in green flames and gone. I grabbed my trunk and Sinatra's cage and put them in the fireplace. I grabbed some Floo Powder and stepped into the fireplace. I took a deep breath.

 For the first time, I would be attending a real school. I'll be able to make friends and go to classes. Just the thought of it excited me. While thinking all of these thoughts, I let the Floo Powder fall from my hand as I shouted loud and clear, ' Hogwarts!'. And just like that, I was engulfed by the green flames.

A few seconds later, I could feel solid ground beneath my feet so I finally opened my eyes. I stepped out of the fireplace and observed my surroundings while I did so. I was in a large office furnished with the most peculiar magical objects. In the middle, there was a table with a label that read, ' Headmaster'. 'You're here,' I turned around to see my father across the room. But he wasn't alone. There was a man wearing robes of violet along with the longest beard I had ever seen. ' Are you Headmaster Dumbledore?' I asked, trying to sound as polite as possible.

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