Chapter 40

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Harry POV

"Okay boy get in the ruddy car" Vernon says

I hop in the car sitting next to Dudley. This is going to be a long summer. I have to do my homework secretly. I also can threaten to use magic on my aunt and Uncle, maybe this won't be a bad summer after all.

"So new rules, no saying magic, and don't mention anything about the school or your world" Uncle Vernon says as we get out of the car" am I understood?"


"Okay now get into the house and stay up in your room" Uncle Veron says

I run up to my room and unpack all of the stuff and sit on my bed. So far I have received no letters and Hedwig is in a locked cage. So far this summer is going great! I go downstairs to get some dinner.

"Boy, cook the beans" Uncle Vernon says

"Okay Uncle Vernon" I say

I walk over to the kitchen and stir the beans three times counter clockwise. This sounds like I am brewing a position and Uncle Vernon is Professor Snape. For the next few days I turned every situation into a situation at Hogwarts. Cooking was potion class. Cleaning my room was like Professor Binns class, it makes no sense and is extremely boring. Next is watering the plants which is obviously Herbology! I guess I could make this a fun summer!

"Boy, no going out of the house" Uncle Vernon says

"We can't let the neighbors know about you!" Aunt Petunia says

Or maybe this will be a horrible summer.


"Charlie, and Bill are coming home this summer" Mum says

"Okay" We all mumble

I walk up to my room and unpack my trunk. I think I may do homework, nah I have a whole summer for that. Suddenly Ginny comes into my room.

"What are you doing here?" I ask

"I just want you to tell me all about being a first year student, I am so nervous."

I stop and think, this could be my moment to have Ginny not talk to me for the whole summer or be a good brother. I am going to be a good brother.

"Well I am friends with three girls and I learned that there is a lot of drama, also the teachers give you so much week. Just make sure you make good friends, and no dating at all."

"What about Corra, and Grace they both dated people" Ginny says

"How do you know that?"

"Umm Corra, and Grace told me"

"Of course they did, well they are my friends not my sister"

"Okay so what else about being a first year student"

"Well work hard, have a lot of fun, and make sure to break some rules and don't follow in Percy's footsteps try Fred and Georges"

"Okay got it!" She says running out

"No problem"

Right as I lay my head down Fred and George come in.

"Is there something in my room?" I ask

"Well we just overheard you telling Ginny to follow in our footsteps" George says

"Very good advice" fred says"plus on the advice to not follow Percy's footsteps"

"Please don't tell mum I told Ginny that" Ron says

"Well I guess we won't" Fred says

"But if you cross a line or don't say yes to us, some words might accidentally fall out of our mouths" George says

"Ha.ha.ha, now good bye"

This is going to be a long summer. This was a really fun year and I can't wait for next year. Hopefully there are no Trolls, or Devil Snare.

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