Chapter 23

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Corra POV

We made it back to Hogwarts late last night. I walk to the Gryffindor common room to everybody sitting with each other. I sit down next to Benny and Grace.

"So how was vacation?" Benny asks

"Pretty good" Ron says

"Yeah but very adventurous here" Harry says

"So now we have the person, a random room with a three headed dog and a stone" Harry says

"I was thinking and I think the dog was hiding something or guarding it" Hermione says

"I agree maybe a trap door or something" I say

"Ron did you see anything?"

"No I was to busy with his three heads" Ron says

"Well let's go to the Library to figure this out" Hermione says

"We just got back from break" Harry says

"And We have no homework" Ron says

"Do we have too" Benny says

"Yes you lazy butts now lets go" I say

"Fineeee" They all say

We all walk to the Library and start searching for the books. We can't tell or ask Madam Pince because she will be suspicious. Grace and I look for some books.

"So what did you get Benny he would not show me" Grace says

"Well I got him chocolate frogs and a picture frame with a picture of me and him during Christmas"

"Aww you guys are so cute"

"Yeah well he got me Won't let go, Ice Ice Baby, and you could be mine on some CD"s"

"I helped him pick those out so that's why they are all American songs but I thought you would like them" Grace says

"Oh well that is still sweet i guess"

We all sit down and Hermione comes with one huge book and places it down.

"How could I have been so stupid I checked this book out before Halloween for a little bit of light reading" Hermione says

"Light reading" Ron says looking at the book then turning to Benny who shrugs his shoulders

"Nicholas Flamel is the creator of The Sorcerer's stone"

"And what is that?" Harry asks

"Have you not been paying attention during free time in potions"

"We have free time" Ron says

"Well it is for anybody that finishes early" Grace says

"But anyways if you drink from it you won't die and live forever well as long as you take the potion"

"That is why I know him on the train I had a chocolate frog with Dumbledore and Nicholas Flammel was mentioned" Harry says

"So the dog must be guarding the stone" I say

"That is what I would believe but why?" Hermione asks

"Somebody is after the stone" Harry says

"And who do think it is" I ask

"Snape" Harry says

"Yes that makes sense he was trying to kill Harry and he has secret talks with Quirrell about the stone" Ron says

"WHAT!!??" we all say

"Oh yeah we forgot to tell you" Harry says

"Yeah and that is a huge piece" Grace says

"Well now you know" Harry says

"But what if you are wrong" Hermione says

"Hermione trust me i heard them talking"

"Okay fine"

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