Chapter 17

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Corra POV

Today is the day of the quidditch match and the day before I get to go home and see family. I have a younger sister and a baby sister who are twins.

"Hey Ashley?"


"How was your time with Ashlyn?"

"Oh my gosh it was amazing!"

"Really?" I say so surprised that my plan worked

"Yes Thank you so much"

"Oh no problem"

"Well see you later"

"Yes see you later" I say heading down to the great hall

I walk in to see everybody with house flags, since this game is Gryffindor against Slytherin I will be rooting for Gryffindor.

"Hey guys" I say sitting next to Hermione

"Hi" Everybody says

"Why is there so much tension?" I ask

"Harry and Grace are both nervous and we are trying to calm them down but Grace just revealed that she did not sleep at all" Hermione says

"So that definitely makes our job much better" Benny says

"Well lets just let them rest and get ready they are going to do fine, I just know it" I say

"Okay well we have to get to our class later" Benny says as they all walk out.

I finish up my cereal and toast and head to my first class. Professor Binns starts the class and I feel asleep with the first sentence.

"Corra,Corra" Ashley says


"Next class"

"I slept through the whole thing?" I ask

"You did" Ashlyn says


Ashlyn looks so surprised but just brushes it off. We all walk to charms class. I see Hermione and Grace walking together but the boys are no where to be seen. I run up to them.

"Hey where are the boys"

"They are talking with Fred and George over there" Grace says pointing towards


"Well I wonder what we will be learning about in charms" Hermione says

"Probably we are going to perfect our Wingardium Leviosa or something like that" Grace says

"Yeah probably" I say agreeing with Grace

"Okay class today we will be finalizing or perfecting the Wingardium Leviosa"

Well all look at each other and smirk. Hermione starts practicing with me. Grace goes and practices with Benny who is (not to be mean) not that good. He is really good at defense against the dark arts, flying class, and Transfiguration. Ron and Harry both practice together.

"Okay class I see improvement and perfection you may now go to lunch!"

"Bye Professor Flitwick" We all say walking out

"So I heard that they are setting up picnic blankets out on the grass sense today is the final quidditch match of the semester" Benny says

"But it is snowing and freezing cold" Hermione says

"They have fire pits"Harry says

"Oh okay" Hermione says

We all walk out to the soft snowy covered grass.

"This is beautiful" I exclaim noticing my surroundings

"Definitely" Grace says

Well all sit on an open picnic blanket and start eating our chicken and salad.

"Okay well we better get going to our next class" I say standing up

"Yes we definitely don't want to be late" Benny says

We all head to the dungeons.

"Hi I am Draco I don't think we formally met" Draco says shaking Graces hand

"Yeah I have heard of you, you are the one who is an ass to everyone and gets away with it because your father is powerful"

"Well then I guess we have" Draco says so calmly back to Grace everybody is shocked.

Grace POV

I go and completely roast Draco and he calmly talks back to me or responds to my comment. He is usually so rude or my father will hear about this.

"Okay class come in" Snape says

I take a seat next to Corra and Draco sits next to me.

"Umm Draco what was that?" I ask

"Oh what that um nothing I just nothing"

"Did you not have a good comeback to what?" I say teasing him

"Grace have you not told anyone that we used to be friends as little kids" He whispers

"No I can't Harry and Ron will be upset" I say

"Has Benny told anyone"

"No he was not" I reply

"Grace" Corra says

"Yeah what?"

"Professor Snape"

"Oh shoot, yes Professor?"

"Thank you Corra and can you tell us what can help cure almost any potion?" Professor Snape asks

"A bezoar"

"Yes correct 5 points for Gryffindor"

All the Gryffindors look at eachother with surprised faces.

"Okay class dismissed see you all at the quidditch game good luck Grace and good luck Slytherins" Professor Snape says as we all leave

"Wow he is in a good mood" I say

"Grace he is always ina good mood when you are around" Harry says

"I am sorry Harry but I can't control Snapes feeling I could fail his class and he would still support me" I say

"Grace has a point" Benny says

"I guess" Harry says

"Okay see you guys later at the game" Corra says as everybody walks off to the grass and Harry and I make our way to the Quidditch field.

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