Chapter 6

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Corra POV

"Corra, wake up or you're going to be late for breakfast." A girl named Ashley says to me.

I get dressed in school robes and walk down to breakfast to find everybody already there.

"Hi guys"I say sitting next to Ron

"Hi Corra"Everybody says

"So did you find out the whole Snape thing?"I ask

"Well Hermione and I did some research in the library and apparently Snape and our mom were really good friends along with your mother Harry" Grace says to a not listening Harry

"Yeah and they went out one year and they were the couple of the year but he stopped it because he had someone else on his mind" Benny says

"And apparently their dad and Snape studied together"Hermione says

"Well that is pretty cool and all but I have to go or I am going to be late for Transfiguration"

I walk to Transfiguration while everybody walks to History of Magic. I have astronomy with them and the Ravenclaws after this.

"Hello class"

"Hello Professor Mcgonagall" We all say

"Okay today we are going to learn the components to turning a rat into a cup"

She starts explaining the components and we are able to try it. Nobody gets on the first time but some of us get it on the second time. Ashley is able to get it fully done on her 10th attempt.

"Okay class please study how to do this before next class"

We all walk out of the classroom and head to Astronomy where the Gryffindors and Ravenclaws are already seated on stools with three people per table. I take my seat quickly by Grace and Hermione. Everybody else starts coming in.

"Everybody please take a seat we are going to look deep into astronomy this year"Professor Sinistra says

She starts rambling on about the sun and moon and what they do for witches and wizards.

"Okay class please make sure to bring me a 2 page essay about the energy from the sun to witches and wizards"

We all walked out of the classroom. We all head to the great hall for lunch.

Hermione POV

We all make our way to the greenhouses. Today we just go over the rules when in the greenhouse. I am listening right now while everybody else looks so excited to get to flying lessons. I just don't see what is exciting about flying.

"Okay class I see that you are all excited to fly and Lucky for you this class is done and there is no homework have a good day!"

Everybody runs out of the classroom leaving me and Corra to walk behind.

"So you don't enjoy flying?" I ask her

"I like to just when I was 4 year old I fell off of a broom so I am traumatized for life"

"That sounds scary"

"Trust me it was!"

We make it grass. Everybody is already standing by a broom so we take our spot.Madam hooch tells us to say up. Draco, Harry, and Grace are the only ones who got it at their first go.

"Oww"Ron says getting hit in the face with his broom

Everybody laughs. Madam Hooch tells us to lift off of the ground on 3 and Neville goes a bit earlier. His broom is out of control. He suddenly falls off of it and sprains his wrist.

"Nobody leaves the ground and if you do you will be expelled from the school"Madam Hooch says, taking Neville to the Hospital wing.

Draco picks up a memoraball, Nevilles memoraball. Harry, Draco, and Grace all start arguing and Draco flies up.

"Harry, Grace don't go you could get in trouble"I say

Grace and Harry fly right up to Draco completely ignoring me.

"What an idiot"I say mostly towards Harry

Harry and Grace team up and try to get to memoraball. Grace almost knocks Draco off his broom but she is able to hold on by one hand. He gets back onto his broom and throws the ball. Harry and Grace both race to it. Grace gets there first and throws it to Harry who catches it. Grace then knocks Draco off his broom. Suddenly Professor Mcgonagall runs out.

"Potter, Rodriguez come with me"

Grace and Harry hop off of their brooms and go to Professor Mcgonagall. She takes them inside but they don't come back before Madam Hooch comes back.

"Okay class dismissed please go back to your dormitories"

"Bye Professor Hooch" I say


We all walk back to the Gryffindor common room with Corra where Harry and Grace are excitedly talking.

"So what is so exciting about being in trouble with Professor Mcgonagall?" I ask

"We were not in trouble" Harry says

"You are looking at the new Chaser and seeker on the Gryffindor quidditch team"

"Oh my gosh that is so exciting" Corra says

"Just don't tell anyone Dumbledore does not want everybody to know right now nor does Oliver wood!" Grace says

After we all talk for a bit Corra goes back to her dorm and Grace and I head upstairs. 

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