Chapter 35

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Corra POV

Today is the last day of term and tomorrow we leave to go back home. Grace and Draco are hanging out. Me and Dean are hanging out today. Ron and Harry are hanging out today. Hermione and Benny are going to hangout with them as well today! I am going down to meet Dean at the great hall for breakfast.

"Dean" I say

"Corra, so glad you could make it!"

"So are we going to hangout during the summer?"I ask

"Yes, Definitely!"

"Well let's head down to the grounds' I say

"Okay" Dean says while grabbing pieces of toast.

We both walk down to the grounds and sit near the lake.

"So your favorite sport is soccer?" I say


"Do you play at a club or something over the summer?"

"No my parents use that money for me to go to a camp, and I just play with my friends"

"Oh cool!"

"So what do you do over the summer?"

"Well I am going to be Junior camp counselor at the local camp, and then just hangout with Hermione and Grace"

"That sounds like fun"

"'Yeah it is!"

We talk a bit more but head back up so we can pack and get ready for tonight.

"Corra we looked at the points" Grace says

"Slytherin won" Benny says

Suddenly a feeling comes over me, something I know I have felt before. I look at Dean, nope I don't feel it. I look at Benny, damn I feel it. God why now, I can't break up with Dean before the summer. Maybe I can, but since we live in the same place, things would just be awkward. Wait, I've never seen him there before, so maybe it won't be.

"Hey Grace do you know where Hermione is"

"Um she is with Harry in the common room"

"Okay please come with me" I say" bye guys"

Once we are out of the hearing zone we start talking.

"Okay what do you need"

"I am going to break up with Dean"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, but I need Hermione's advice"

"Okay well let's get a move on"

We run to Hermione and pull her up to the dorm room.

"And why is this happening"

"We need advice"

"Okay about what?" Hermione asks

"I am going to break up with Dean"" I say

"This is the happiest day of my life." Hermione says

"Hermione really?"

"Well just do it walk down there and Break up with him"

"Okay I will" I say" Actually I can't do it"

"Girl, where did your baddass go? Come on and just go"

"Okay fine, fine, I am going"

I walk down and see Dean sitting by the fireplace.

"Hey Dean I need to tell you something"

"Okay what is it"


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