Chapter 20

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Corra POV

"Grace is coming" I say to everybody as she walks in

"Hi guys" She says

"Hi" We all say

"Well I am perfectly healed but I do have something I need to talk to you about" Grace says

"Okay well sit" Benny says patting a spot on the couch

"Okay well so Draco Malfoy, Benny, and I all used to be friends" Grace says

"WHAT" Ron yells standing up causing many heads to turn.

"Yes well in the fourth year of elementary school we learned that his father was part of Voldemort's inner circle so we stopped being friends with him"

"Like you should" Harry says

"Well the thing is as a little, little kid I always had feeling for him"

"And he had feelings for her" Benny says

"Wait what?" I say

"Yeah well anyways after I learned that I grew out of interest but he did not" Grace says

"And still to this day he has feeling for Grace" Benny says

"Okay Grace do not go by this boy" I say

"Yes I completely agree with Corra" Benny says

"Okay, Okay" Grace says

"Are your families still friends?" Hermione asks

"Hell no" Benny says

"Oh and have you guys seen these Christmas decorations" Grace asks changing the subject

"Oh my gosh yes!" I say

"They are so pretty" Hermione says

"And magical" Grace says

"Well good night guys" Benny says

"night " we all say

"See you guys tomorrow?"I ask walking out of the Gryffidnor common room

"Yes" Everyone says

I walk down to the kitchens and I get to the hole in the wall. I tap the vines three times and put water around the flower counter clockwise. The vines flow backwards opening the tunnel into the common room. Everybody is hanging in the common room. Ashley and Ashlyn are playing chess while girls are surrounding Cedric. I make my way down the stairs to my dormitory. I put my yellow P.j's on and start reading and finishing up homework so I don't have to do it over the holiday. I can't believe that Grace and Draco were friends and had feelings. I don't mind it anymore but I can't believe she never told me. I don't want to be mad at her because it is Christmas time but I can't help feeling mad at her. I fell asleep so excited to see my family the next day.

"Corra, Corra the train is going to live in thirty minutes" Ashley says

"Okay,Okay" I say getting up

I brush my hair and my teeth, get my trunk and head down to the great hall where I would be meeting up with Hermione, Grace and Benny. When I get to the great hall I see Ron and Harry waiting for everyone.

"Hi guys" I say

"Hi Corra" Ron says

"Hey" Harry says

"Well the christmas decoration are beautiful" I say

"Yes" Harry says

"Much better than my mum don't tell her I said that" Ron says

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