Chapter 38

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Corra POV

We have just arrived at Kings Cross Station. We all head separate ways.

"Mom, Dad!" I say running to them

"Hey Sweetie!" They say hugging me

"How are the twins?" I ask

"Really good, and since you are going away Liv is staying with us." My parents say

"Great four little siblings for a week!" I say

"Liv, Elise time to go"

"Coming mom" Elise shouts

We all hop into the car. The twins and the girls are in the front and I am in the back!

We start our long drive. I fall asleep which I like. When I wake up the first thing I see is Dean riding his bike. This is going to be one long week. Today is the first day of summer vacation and to celebrate it my parents made us all pancakes.

"Four more days until I leave not including today" I say sitting down

"Already counting the days?" my mom asks while setting a pancake on my plate.

"Well my ex is now riding by our house"

"Dean is?" my dad asks

"Yeah but I get to go to the US which is going to be amazing"

"So when are you flying?" Elise asks sitting down

"The day after I arrive"

"Cool! And please take pictures"

"I definitely will!"

The week went by extremely slowly. Dean rode by our house twenty times, not that I am counting. I went shopping and went a little overboard. Anyways today is the day I am going to Grace's house then we are off to California!

"Mom, dad, is the car packed?" I ask running down the stairs

"Yes Corra it is"

"Okay great mom!" I say walking outside "um mom this is a taxi"

"Yeah we thought since you are going to your first vacation with Grace you would like to ride to her house by yourself"

"Thank you, Thank you so much" I say hugging them both

I put a few more things into the taxi then hug everybody goodbye.

"Bye guys see you in a month" I say getting into the car.

I start my drive to London. It was a very long and boring drive.

Grace POV

"Benny, Corra is going to be here soon, clean up a bit" I yell

"Okay, okay" Benny says" What has gotten into you?"

"Well a lot of things. First of all Corra is going to meet some of my closest friends, Draco is going to meet the boy I had a crush on since kindergarten, well not anymore. We all three have to get along. So much has changed, and you are not going to be there." I say

"Grace everything is going to be just fine, yes there may be some bump but you got it, and where is Draco?"

"Oh Draco is getting ready or eating breakfast, I was to busy cleaning"

"Grace you completely did my job for me" Julia says walking in

"I'm sorry, I am just so stressed"

"I know why your bestfriend is coming over to your house and your boyfriend is staying at your house."Julia says

"Yes, and I don't know what to expect"

"All I have to say is to roll with it" Julia says it

At the moment the doorbell rings.

"She's here!" I say running to the door

I open the door and Corra drops her luggage and we hug each other for maybe about one minute.

"Oh my gosh how are you?" I ask

"Amazing except for the fact that Dean rode his back by my house constantly"

"That pervert"

"Who is a pervert?" Benny asks

"No one and please go away, Corra and I have some hard shopping to do before we leave"

"Please, we need to shop" Corra says

"Yes, now bring your stuff up to my room then Julia will take us!"

"Where is Draco sleeping?"

"In one of our guest rooms" I say

We all go shopping with Julia, talk, eat, and laugh. We have just arrived in California and we are driving to San Fernando with my dad.

"Okay so you guys I have to go to the baseball Stadium once we get there so you can go around the town, and remember no magic allowed"

"We know dad" I say

"Oh and Micheals kids are at the sandlot"

"Okay we will stop by there"

"And look, we are here!" my dad says

"This is an amazing house" Corra says

"Okay bye kids see you later!"

"See you later dad!" I say

This summer is off to a good start.

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