Chapter 24

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Corra POV

We go to our classes normally, nothing exciting pops up about this whole mystery and it is almost the end of the year. Right now we are finishing up Defense against the dark arts. I head to the Gryffindor Common room with Benny and Grace to study. Harry, Ron, and Hermione head to Hagrid's hut to hangout with him.

"Okay so exams are coming up and we need to Study" I say

"I agree but can we at least have some time to read?" Grace asks

"Yes of course I mean it is reading"

"Do we have to study I mean exams are 3 weeks away"

"So we can't cram study we need to take our time" Grace says

"Exactly" I say agreeing

Suddenly Harry, Ron, and Hermione run in and sit down out of breath.

"Okay so somebody knows about fluffy and the trap door because Hagrid bought a dragon but then gave it to Charlie" Harry spits out

"WHAT" Benny says "Hagrid had a dragon-"

"And how do you know the dog's name?" Grace asks

"Well the dog is Hagrids and he told a weird guy about the dog and that you can calm the dog down-"

"With music" Harry says finishing Hermione sentence

"I was just about to say that and as we know Fluffy is guarding the stone so that guy must want the Stone" Hermione continues

"So it was probably Snape" I say

"But wouldn't Hagrid have been able to know who it was" Grace asks

"No because the guy had its hood up and over his face"Ron say

"Great" Benny says

"Well we must alert Professor Mcgonagall" Hermione says

"What about Dumbledore?" Ron asks

"Ron your brilliant nobody can get past Dumbledore" Hermione says

"We have one problem" Grace says

"What is that?" We ask

"If dumbledore leaves then it is open for taking" Grace says

"Well we will just have to check with Mcgonagall every now and then" I say

"Okay, okay" Grace says

We finish up our class and.

"Well we have to get back to studying" Hermione says

"Hold on, Hold on did you see the time" Benny asks

"Yeah it is time for bed" harry says

"So uh goodnight" Ron says

They all walk up to the dormitory. We all look at each other with a surprised look on our faces.

"Well I guess we are going to bed"I says

"Yup well see you tomorrow Corra" Hermione says

"Bye" Grace says

I walk to the dormitory. This is going to be a long three months until school is out. We have exams in three weeks, and we don't know when Snape could strike. Well we probably find out.

Grace POV

Today is Saturday, I mean finally. I am heading down to the Library to do some research for our final exams. Oh no Draco is here, I mean great! I walk right past him...well try to.

"Hey Grace"

"Oh Draco hi" I say

I try to sound as if I did not see him there and was not just trying to pass him. I mean I do still like him but I see him not like everybody else sees him.

"So how are with exams and all" He asks

"Really good I was just going to do some extra research for extra credit during the exam" I say

"Oh cool well I hope I get a good grade, Father is going to go mad if I don't do well, mother on the other hand does not care. Well you know how things are" He says hanging his head at the last part.

I put my hand on top of his without realizing and quickly take my hand off.

"Yeah well I am always here" I say "well I have to go Corra needs me"

"But I thought' He says pointing the Library."Oh nevermind"

I walk back to the common room but can't help but overhear Snape talking to Quirell. I stop and listen.

"Have you found out the other ones"

"S-S-S-nape I don't K-Know what Y-ou mean"

"You know exactly what I mean, if you get the information I will be the first to know" Snape says"now get out of my site"

Quirell walks away and I start walking past the door.

"Grace, what are you doing here?" Snape asks

"Oh yeah well I was at the Library and was headed back to the Gryffindor common room" I say

"Okay just don't go around alone people will think your up to something"

"Okay Professor" I say walking off

I head up to the common room and make my way through the portrait hole.

"Grace, Grace" Corra says

"You have a letter" Hermione says

"Okay let me see" I say getting the letter

I open it and quickly put it back in. I motion for Corra and Hermione to follow me upstairs.

"We can't be overheard" I say

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