[25] - birthday

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The day of my birthday had finally arrived and I was excited. My family didn't usually do a surprise party since I liked helping out with the setup anyway, so as soon I woke up (luckily it was a weekend), I ran around the house waking everybody up so we could get started.

"This boy will be the death of me," my mother said as she trudged into the kitchen, starting on breakfast. My dad sluggishly trailed behind her and agreed, "You can say that again."

Y/N then followed, rubbing at her sleepy eyes in her cute, oversized pyjamas and I almost felt guilty for waking her up before she gave a smile. "Good morning," she said and came closer to give me a side hug, causing my cheeks to grow warm. "Happy birthday, Soobin."

"T-thanks, Y/N," I stuttered and then suddenly I heard a flash and turned to see that my mother had taken a Polaroid picture of the two of us. I didn't even know how she could have possibly grabbed a camera just in time to capture that moment. Y/N quickly recoiled from me, much to my displeasure.

"Aw, that's a keeper," she said as she showed my dad who nodded in agreement. I wanted to die of embarrassment and I'm sure Y/N felt the same.

The two of us brushed it off and got ready for the day, preparing the house for the small party. My family and friends would be there, so we just stuck with some simple decorations here and there as my mom and dad made the food and the cake.

Soon enough, evening fell and the guests trickled in. The females congregated in the kitchen while the males stayed in the living room. It was almost like an unspoken event rule. I was a little disappointed to be separated from Y/N, but I knew I'd be seeing her later, so I didn't mind too much. Just a little.

"Aww," Beomgyu said and I knew his teasing was coming, "Soobinnie's sad because he's away from his girlfriend."

I rolled my eyes, but couldn't help the blush that poked at my face. "She's not my girlfriend, for the millionth time!"

"Yet," Kai chimed and everyone seemed to have a good laugh at that.

"You better ask her out, Soobin," Yeonjun told me when everyone else had gone to their own conversations. His tone was serious which surprised me a little. "I know you like her. And she likes you. Don't wait too long."

I sighed. "I know. I just want it to be..."

"It doesn't need to be perfect. She's used to things being nowhere near perfect at all, so if it's not absolutely spotless, she won't be upset."

"That's the thing, Yeonjun. She's so used to things being awful that I want to show her some things in life can be perfect."

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